Monday, August 3, 2009

Latest garden photos......

Today is dedicated to those blogger friends who only post flowers, fruits and vegetables. I have a few plants that are still hanging in there because we are so cold. Today was a very humid hot day so we may be returning to normal.
The phlox are not doing great. They are blooming somewhat and I have no rust on any leaves. This is a phlox that I bought a few years back and I just realized it is different than the majority of my other plants. I guess I wanted a different color but I didn't realize it had survived. I had such a rust problem last year that most did not make it to bloom stage.
I put woven wires around my hydrangeas as they were all laying on the ground so I had a new sprout shoot up and this the late flower on it's stem. I am getting better with the macro setting but white is tough for this camera to register.
I have a seed catalog, Gurney's, that claims this is a Purple O Doro apparently related to the yellow Stella O Doro. I have two of these at different locations. I bought one in Grand Marais and a friend of mine gave me the other. When I compare their blooming structures, I guess they are right. The flower is small the same size of the yellow ones and the petals structures and textures on the inside petals are stripped with veins.

Stella O Doro

A great day at Sunday school with a good lesson and lots of discussion. I teach the Asian children Sunday school and I had three guys college age return to visit. It is good to see the kids grow up and doing well. My group consists of Asians from Cambodia, Vietnam, and China. The Cambodian kids are grandchildren of the people who fled their country because Poi Pot was killing all Khmer people.
They whole experience is a blessing to me. We had lunch with friends who are on furlough from African children missionary work. It was a great time, good food, good conversations, a lot of things to think about. We are tired tonight and had musk melon with peach ice cream on it for supper. It is very good that way. Have a good week. Thanks for reading.....


  1. What a great story about the refugees. Are you multi-lingual?
    Your flowers look great!

  2. Beautiful flowers! Macro on white and yellow is really hard, and I think the hydrangea looks great Sounds like you have a very rewarding time teaching those children.

  3. These flowers are beautiful.
    Your lunch sounded delightful! Isn't it great to catch up with friends and spend a little summer time together?

  4. What lovely flowers, still blooming their little hearts out.
    Lunch sounded delightful, what a lovely time to play catch-up with old friends...
