Sunday, August 2, 2009

More from the zoo......

This was a large bull from an Asian country I believe. I had never heard of the country so it was not an area I would remeber. He was large and very tame as fifty feet from him was a concession stand in which one could buy food to feed him. He was very patiently waiting for his next handout.
I am not a purist in life but I was amazed of this demonstration at the lion's cage. The girl is feeding a lioness and a lion fish with a large tweezer device. Everyday they hand feed the lions and have them do tricks, minor things, but behaviors to get bites of fish. The lion was being asked to stand up on his back legs with a signal and a fish. I don't remember all that they required of them but it reminded me of what they do with elephants to keep them trained to obey commands. The girl who read the lines while the other one fed the cats said that they were able to work on an ingrown claw on the male lion without sedating him. I guess I don't know what I think about any of this. I have never seen such behavior of humans with wild animals. It makes me wonder if zoos in San Diego would do this or even the Omaha zoo. Thanks for reading...


  1. Personally, I'm not a fan of the zoo. It disturbs me to see wild animals caged. I once saw an elephant chained and he was swaying back and forth. I thought that was cruel. I know some animals have it better in the zoo, but not all.

  2. Big cats mesmerize me...I am in awe whenever I see them in person. I think I would be in heaven if I could have been that girl so close to one and actually feeding one. They are awesome creatures!! Thanks for sharing that amazing photo!

  3. I hate the zoo, for the same reason Milah does. I enjoy zoos like San Diego and Henry Doorly, because they actually do research, BUT Blank Park isn't big on research...or "habitats" and it depresses the hell out of me. Last year, Mike wanted to see the baby elephant...and I ended up walking out because she was under a tent with her mom doing little tricks. I got a few good shots of animals and one great one of that bull.
