Saturday, August 29, 2009

School's started, where are you?

I started teaching in 1972. I was a scared, ill-prepared art teacher that got a job. I think I went back for three years before I stopped being scared. I became good at it and stayed in the profession for 35 years. I did like the learning, teaching, and giving part of it all. I hated the politics and the eventually decline of actual education and it's learning processes. School has changed so much and only the true strong-hearted child gets an education.
Anyway, this is the second year that I have not returned to school to start teaching. I have another stage in my life to move in to and I am fine with that. In many ways, I stayed in school most all of my life and I feel justified that I did all I could do. I didn't want to die in the trenches but live a new life in a new way. No more dreams of not getting my work done on time. No worries about the entire network going down at the drop of a hat. No endless questions about computer problems, and microsoft word. No more 12 hour days and weekends. Now it is a selfish time for me. School has started, but not for me. I have started a new trend of learning for myself. Thanks for your visit.....


  1. Larry, I'm almost where you are. I own a business and I've cut down to three days a week with the public. I just have an urge to play.

  2. Congratulations and enjoy each new day.


  3. Enjoy this new season of life! I look forward to that day myself. ;D

  4. Good for you!!! I feel the same way about Healthcare, as my career was that of an R.N.
    But politics and budget woes are everywhere and it was not the way it was supposed to be for years.
    I am loving retirement and find it a time to explore other talents and passions that one must put on hold while you are working on your career.
    I am so happy for you that you are now your own boss and free to do as you please.
