Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dinner Plate Hibiscus.........

My wife's cousin follows my blog and she sent this to me a few weeks ago. The Michigan Bulb Company is selling them in adds in the Sunday Paper. I just saw these potted and blooming at a local discount store. I guess this is the time they need to be planted. I will venture back in a week and see what their price is, as I was in a hurry today.
Thanks for your visit.....


  1. Wow, they're really big. Hope they're not too top-heavy.

  2. What a lovely thing for her to do....
    I don't think I have ever seen one of these huge hibiscus's they are awesome !

  3. Hi Larry !
    Pop on over to my place, I have something for you ;)

  4. Even with the basketball and the "dinner plate" analogy it is difficult to imagine how big these flowers will be.

  5. I will be interested to see if they turn out that big! They will be awesome!
