Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Stuff......

We had a high of 94 degrees Saturday with a south wind of humidity. It was a low of 73 degrees which seems cold compared to the heat index of 104 degrees. Some of my blogger friends have been living like this a lot of this summer and I can now really feel their pain.
I am shamelessly going to show my single row of beets. I was going to weed them and retake this picture but I didn't get it done. I have lain two old boards on each side of the row to help with the weeds. It is going to take me four minutes to pull those weeds, I hope you have all been there. I will shock myself and weed it and then you will believe me that there are beets in that row.
You know the degree of insanity of a man by the degree of craziness of the things he collects. The yellow ware mixing bowl is holding my fournprized antique croquet balls. My wife's cousin's apparently played croquet and when their mother's estate sale came around, I was there at the right place at the right time. They were given to me inserted into a woman's old bra. The cousins know that I am crazy. These wooden balls fit right in with my antique toy collection. I will share a lot of this during the winter when the gardens shut down.
My mystery bloom and vine is a gourd. I bought it on a whim, as I liked how the shape of the gourd suggest the shape of a swan. I planted it in a couple of areas but only this one grew. I hope it isn't too late in the season for them and that they make it to maturity. One of my former students who is an adult now says he is carving and painting gourds and I hope I have some for him.
I am up with the dog at 2 in the morning and it is still 80 degrees out there. I don't think we will cool down to the predicted 74 now. No more southerly winds coming our way so we will probably have very sever storms soon. Thanks for reading.....


  1. No need to thank us LD, it is a pleasure. I love the croquet balls. I have only ever played the game once and I must confess that I could never quite understand the rules. But they look wonderful objects.

  2. The heat is horrible... weather has taken a nasty twist this year and played tricks by giving the Rocky mountains 104 F temps for the last 2 weeks... most unpleasant and with the daytime heatings some dry lightning storms each night as we sleep... dry forests have produced some horrid fires from the lightning.
    Temps. have somewhat dropped but little rain has come...
    I surely hope some relief comes for you and that the storms will not be too devastating.
    Take care.

  3. love the gourd bloom. I don't think I've ever seen one.

  4. I love seeing people's collections...we collect almost any antique...I have several things I like to save!
    Your beets cracked me up...hey...the ones that make it will be glad you planted them..the heck with the weeds. I like the idea of placing two boards on either side to deal with the weeds...however my garden would be all boards. ha. We are lazy about our garden too...we rarely weed it, but we still get great tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes.

  5. I can relate to that terrible heat. Our dog hated it too, you are a nice owner to get up her (or him I can't remember). Hope it cools down soon. It cooled all the way down to 65 here, now I want it to go back up a bit. I'm picky I know.
    The croquet balls are really neat.
    Weeds seem to be bad in all my gardens now, they seem to grow no matter what the weather is like.
