Monday, August 10, 2009

Buying stuff you don't need.....

It is Monday and I am heading an hour south to work on my house project. I took four days to really be over the crawling in the crawl apace experience. I will be plumbing in a shower drain, replace parts of water damaged floor and build the stud framework for the new fiberglass shower. My wife is going to load up her painting gear and work on an artwork down there as well as keep me company. I need somebody around to count fingers for me once in a while.
We have spent a lot of time visiting our flower shop for plants and arrangements for funerals. I saw these at the shop months ago and one day while paying a bill, I bought them. The tern and egret-like bird were made in China of course but they are well done sculptural wise. They fit in with my painting behind them with the sailboat theme.
We had a frolic at the mall the other day. It was taxpayer holiday for clothes, etc. While my wife was looking at clothes, I went to this semi-antique store. It is a neat store called Calypso, and the old stuff is clean and well presented in the store. A lot of fifties furniture, dishes, clocks and stuff in a very large area. I ran across glass ice cream dishes that reminded me of my experiences at an old drug store in Murray, Iowa. The small ones were ok and what I could afford, but the tall ones looked like the ones we had at that soda fountain. The prices on them looked like they were selling them per item and I went to the counter with the small, shorter ones. I just mentioned how I liked the taller ones but eight dollars a piece was more than what I could justify. To make my traditional long stories short, the lady said that the price was for a pair and that she would sell them to me for seven dollars a pair. Didn't need them, foolish buy, but I took them anyway. So I have a newly started collection. I have never photographed glass before but it did work. If the tall ones are not old, please don't tell me. Some northern stater will write and say they are Bridgeman's Ice Cream dishes. Just let me think that they are old. Come on over for ice cream. We will draw for size, large or small ice cream chocolate sundaes with marshmallow cream, just like the ones at the drug store. Thanks for reading....
And a cherty on top.


  1. There is a certain type of pleasure in buying things you don't need. If ever I am passing through Iowa I will call in for ice cream.

  2. Yes, they do look old. The edges on the tall ones look like they are yellowing. At least it looks that way in the pic. Proof that they are indeed old!
    Thanks for the visiting my blog, & for the kind words. I will enjoy following you blog, as well!

  3. I love the tall ones too...I had a collection of them years ago, but ended up selling them at a flea market. But they do make me nostalgic for a malted milk in them. ha
