Sunday, August 16, 2009

Three Sunday shorts.......

Jack Sparrow is in good form and let's me take his photo without making a fuss.
Fall is coming, you can tell because the foliage of the field lilies are fading and dying out.
I did get my beets weeded, not to perfection but I really doubt they make it to maturity. It is shaded in the morning and they just didn't take off. Have a good day off. Thanks for reading.....


  1. And thanks for sharing your garden with us Larry.

  2. Some of my lily leaves are also turning yellow on the bottom...and I definitely smell autumn in the air! Liked these shots!

  3. Great name for your Cockatoo.
    Nice shot of the field lilies. Here, I am hanging on to summer as long as I can, especially being that it got a late start this year with cool temperatures and 22 days of rain in June.
    ( pssst, spelling mishap you have for "dying" under your field lilies photo )

  4. Thanks for the spelling correction. I get sloppy and spell check lets me through on the wrong word. If we could just get them to figure out the word we intended it sure would be nice.

  5. Great photos !
    I have noticed that things are dying out around here too, especaially the Clematis.
    We just keep watering, and holding on..
    They are already selling "mums" in the stores...
