Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday mindlessness......

A genetic puzzlement that I have discovered with this zinnia. All of the flowers on this plant are the same as the one on the left. The right flower is on the same stalk, same stem and is this multi-petaled bloom. What's with that??
It has been a very good flowering season, I can not complain. We could have been scorching hot and lost a lot of the flowers. But this is the very last day lily for my season of 2009.
Nala our cat has been gone for some time now but her little statue and wheel barrow are collecting apples from under the tree. The apples have something that has invaded them at the stem and won't be useable this year. I guess I didn't get them sprayed soon enough in the spring so the damage was already done by the time I started spraying. The apples are very clear on the outside, it is just that when I slice the apples they show a planted egg from some insect. I love the statue of our cat. Thanks for reading........

For all you gardeners out there, our Kmart had all of their flowerpot containers on sale for seventy percent off. They have moved the school stuff in and moved the summer garden section out. I found a ceramic Japanese designed container, large, for six dollars. I am going to put my two succulents in it. I saw a gosh awful large, very large mushroom ornament for sale and it was walking out of the store when we were leaving. I teased my wife that I wanted that. No not really. I know everyone's seasons are a little different but maybe your Kmart is doing the same. Its worth a look for a good deal.


  1. I had to take a DOUBLE TAKE at that kitty in the wheel cart. CUTE!!!!
    Your zinnia's look wonderful. Can't wait to stop back later to see what is blooming in your fabulous garden dear friend. Thank you for your kind comments at my blog!

    Happy Summer!

  2. You write so well about your garden that you almost tempt me to become green-fingered.

  3. Just gorgeous Zinnia's ! Not sure why one has doubled in size over the other, maybe a better seed, or more plant food ?
    Just like anything else I imagine.
    I love your kitty in the wheelbarrow, I also thought it was a real one ;)
    Thanks for the "heads up" on the K. Mart clearance, I'll have a little look-see tomorrow, and hope it's not all gone.

  4. The daylily with the rudbeckias look so pretty! I have zinnias that look that way too, although now I want to see if they are on the same plant. Either way they are very pretty.

  5. Wow...what IS up with that Zinnia? Maybe it can go on Ripley's Believe it or Not?! Both are pretty blossoms though.
    Loved the shot of the cat statue and apples in the looked like a real cat!

  6. Beautiful flowers! And thanks for the K-Mart tip! I'll have to head there tomorrow afternoon.

  7. Lucky you to still have a K-Mart. We lost ours in Texas except for one in Texarkana that is so close to the Arkansas border that they didn't count it when they closed the Texas stores!

  8. Actually I spoke incorrectly -- I believe there are 6 K-mart stores that may still be open in Texas. Most are along the Texas/Louisiana/Arkansas border and two more are near the Texas/Mexico border. I wish they were closer -- I miss my K-Mart!
