Thursday, August 20, 2009

Time for tea......

My wife and I are suckers for new things. We bought these at the Crown Center, a Kansas City Mall, near the Hallmark Cards headquarters. It was a very nice Chinese woman who sold us the whole deal. We have tea from China to put into little inserts and you pour your hot water over it. Oh yes, the red mug is mine. We are big tea drinkers but it will be nice this winter for a change. Also hot chocolate would be good in them also.
The phlox are almost gone. I may have used this photo before but I spotted it in my documents and I really like the color of it.
Peaking through a tree and some bushes I can see this scene. Everything is at its last for the summer but the color still looks good.


  1. Nice to see your flowers...they look great.
    Those little cups look fascinating and they are perfect for tea. We bought some tiny teapots on ebay made of jade...I will have to post them sometime this winter. We bought a bunch and now the seller has stopped selling on ebay and we can't find anymore. Sure glad we bought them when we did, as they are quite unique.

  2. Interesting 'tea' cups. I've never seen them with lids before. It's one good way to keep the tea warm.

  3. I like the design on the chinaware.We have a few utensils something like this with less intricate designs.The violet flowers are beautiful.
