Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New collection of things....

This is another new thing I brought home from my Dad's garage. It was originally brass and may still be but I need to clean it. I found people selling this torch on the internet for forty bucks. That paint on the handle is original. I am still on the look out for the heating rod that went with it. I have a story to tell about The Little Prince story or book and about this torch but that will be another day. My posting is late.

I also found this in my Dad's garage and brought it home. My brother who passed away last August, worked construction jobs here and there in town. So I am assuming that he found this somewhere out there in Osceola, Iowa during a construction job. It was in a bucket with a lot of scrap concrete. He must have brought it home as he couldn't throw it away on the site. I can tell you that it really is a strong, high fired, paver. I know that the town's main street was at one time all brick, and this may have been from that. Research, just like the History Detectives do on PBS, will eventually give me a good story I am sure. We are either going to the State Fair tomorrow, or go work on the bathroom remodel job, or just stay in town. The joy of retirement is you keep your schedule flexible. If I stay home I have to trim more trees and mow the yard. Thanks for reading.....


  1. There's something beautiful about old things. I like the look of the old torch.

  2. My grandad used to use an old blow torch like that, to soften paint and then scrape it away, before applying a new coat. I doubt if people would go to such great lengths these days.
    Love the old paver, you could use it as a door stop.
    Have fun at the fair...

  3. I can't find what they put into those torches to make them work but when I get mine cleaned up I will put out more info. I though my dad had put a new handle on it as it looked to good to be original but when I researched them that is the right red paint.

  4. I just love discovered objects like these, the thrill of turning the spotlight on them and working out why they have been kept and what is their meaning.

  5. I agree with you...the joy in retirement is that you can remain flexible. We have been doing more spontaneous trips, etc....isn't it fun????
    I like seeing your posts of some of your "finds". We love going to estate sales and rummage sales and auctions and finding unique things too.
