Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Maine coastline......

Otter Cliffs is located on the Dessert Island, in the area of Acadia National Park. While visiting our son and attending his wedding, we became very familiar with this national park. The wedding was on the top of Cadillac Mountain and I will share more about that on another blog. The Otter Cliff area is directly across the bay area, where the huge waves came in and drug many people into the ocean. A seven year old girl lost her life there as this huge wave overcame the spectators and drug them against the rocks out into the water.
I bought a new camera the night before we flew out to Maine. It is sort of a point and shoot, but it did a nice job. It is call Coolpix Nikon. My wife has a much more expensive camera and I thought instead of sharing, we could both be shooting at the same time. We ended up with almost 500 pictures combined so we have lots of photos to remember our trip to the east.
I have lots of stories to tell, as you know I talk too much, but we had a great time. One story will be about the flight home. It was an adventure, which I am sure it is for anyone who flies anywhere.
The idea that we live surrounded by hay fields, cornfields, and soybeans explains our adjustment to living in a rocky area of islands and rocky cliffs and the ocean, with scattered populations. Maine is so different from Iowa. Just flying into the Des Moines area, we could see that we have become very populated here and there are houses everywhere, close together. Maine is so sparsely populated with townships rather than towns. The city south of us, Johnston is the fastest growing city in the nation. We are very populated, in spite of all of the farming. We also are so flat and our roads go straight, east and west, north and south. There isn't a straight road to be seen in Maine.
We are very tired today, but I need to get two different lawns mowed. I will get to my yard today and back to the normal life. Thanks for reading.......


  1. What a beautiful photo Larry! Congrats to your son & daughter inlaw. What an exciting time!
    From what I've heard Nikon Coolpix is a great little camera! I need a new one too...

  2. Glad to hear everything went well, I'll be checking back for wedding pictures ;)
    That is a beautiful view of the coastline, something I miss terribly, having the sea in my veins and land-locked in Tennessee.
    I have the same little Nikon Coolpix, a Christmas present from my daughter, I love it !
    Welcome home ....

  3. Welcome back. Yes it is a fine photograph and, I am sure, just a preview of what you will give us over the next few days. Enjoyable reading as always.

  4. Hope you had a great timd! And yes, we're flat compared to Maine...but...drive through Nebraska and try not to vomit your soul, if that's possible.

    And that picture looks like a painting! I had to enlarge it to make sure it was real.

  5. In the Otter Cliff area, providing enough warning messages in the appropriate areas may avert the loss of life by dragging waves.

  6. Maine is such a big, varied state and more than "lobstahh, potatoes, blueberries and lighthouses". Nice imagery.

  7. Maine looks SPECTACULAR! It is on my bucket list to visit. I love the ocean and the cliffs and all the boating and harbors. I will look forward to more pictures from you from your trip!
