Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Looking back.......

Throwing things away while cleaning out the basement could give me some pretty disgusting photos. How could 33 years of living in the same house cause me to have so much stuff, useless stuff. My problem is that this property never had a garage and I never did get one built. I built a nice garden shed, but I have never owned a garage in my whole 59 years of life. I aim to change that.
So as it is getting cold and I am doing drudge work filling up a truck to drive to the landfill, I think of our summer. My wife and I have been unable to travel for the past six years so this summer was a free for all for us. Kansas City is our anniversary place and we had a great visit there for a few days.

We hit the Iowa State fair for the first time in many years and it rained and was cold. But between rains we saw a lot things that made it worth while. The newly hatched ducks were all napping. The next thing I knew, they all jumped up and ran over to the other end of the pen to get food and water.

The Blank Park Zoo is small in Des Moines but we still enjoyed seeing what was there. The goats are out for a good run and a skip as they enjoy life.

We took a whirlwind trip to Minnesota, Duluth and the North Shore area. It was a quick visit but we didn't miss this Sea Gull convention. It was a little rainy and they were taking a rest from all that they do.

I can never forget the sound of the bell that is attached to the buoy out in the ocean. Along the Maine coast it was very rough as the wind was blowing and the bell was loud and clear. I don't know why it sounds like a lonely sound but that is what it seemed like to me. Maybe because it is stranded out there.
I have to return to my basement again tomorrow. I am a collector, not necessary a good collector, but my imagination can tell me that I could use this later for something. I saved too many of those kinds of things and I am sending them on their way. I have extra bird cages, and aquariums galore. Garden stuff and a lot of things that my college kid left in my basement before he moved to Maine. He will never return for it so I am selectively helping him out by deciding to throw worthless things away for him. Tuesday is predicted to be wet and dreary, so spending time in the basement will be an improvement than being outside. Everyone take care. Thanks for reading......


  1. A great "looking back" post. Everybody seems to be clearing things out at the moment. Perhaps its the season of the year.

  2. I'm doing the same thing here! I've already made two trips to Goodwill and I haven't gone to the basement yet!
    I'm like you, I don't have a garage and never have. Jack uses the barns and tool shed for his stuff, but my garden tools and misc. stuff goes to the basement. It's a jungle down there.

  3. We lived in the same house for 40 years, and then 11 years ago we retired and moved to Iowa, talk about throwing out and downsizing. We lived on a farm so many out buildings as well as a basement and attic in the old house. I know what you are up against after 33 years of living and collecting. But, believe it or not, I don't miss anything I gave away or threw away. It was refreshing to rid myself of all the unnecessary clutter and trash. We not live in a 2 bedroom apartment, but my husband enlarged his garage last summer. So he now has a place for his things, tools, golf carts, etc.

    Have a nice week, decluttering!

  4. Sorry, I meant 'we now live' in a 2 bedroom apartment, not 'we not' live. This computer types whatever it wants.

  5. Clearing out is GOOD. I speak as someone whose husband hates to throw things out (probably because he went to a boarding school and had precisely one square foot of personal storage space). But you will feel refreshed, and what a good time to start clearing before winter inertia sets in.
