Monday, October 12, 2009

Indoors and Our of Doors......

I have a few shots of the snow, which was not too impressive of a snow fall, but I wanted to share this window. It is in our spare room where my father-in-law had lived for the last seven years. We put it in when he moved in with us and he really enjoyed it. Last week we ordered another window just like it for our dining room. It will be here by the end of the month and I will be installing it then. It will be great to have that window replaced as the one in the dining room is a very bad window, that someone put in many years ago to replace a long narrow original window. When people with good intentions modernized the house they actually put in windows at the time that looked modern but in reality were less energy efficient than the original windows.

The snow was pretty and now it is gone. Because of the cold, I am reminded that I need to get ready for winter. I bought a new energy efficient door today, that I will be putting in soon, on a warm day. Instead of working on my parents home, I have decided to get things done on our house instead. The house down south will still be there when I get our house done. I also need to clean out my basement.
A new furnace is in order also, and I will blog about that later. Just think that this house has it's original coal furnace in it, that was converted to natural gas, you know we need a new one. I may share pictures and then I may not. A busy week ahead in spite of cold wet weather. Thanks for reading.......


  1. That's a lovely view through those individual panes of glass, looks like something I would enjoy looking out of also.
    You've got a busy schedule ahead, it's nice that you are so dedicated to putting things back in order.
    A new furnace, that's always good ;)

  2. You people are crazy to live in a place where it snows in October. Really. My furnace is relatively new, but the house is poorly insulated and it's not possible to fix it without rebuilding. All the things I wish I had known before I signed the contract...

  3. I get like that when we get our first cold blast and snow...we have been bustling to put away our boat, dock, lawn mowers, etc....still have to get my garden ready,but am waiting for at least temps in the 50' is really cold here still...only in the 30's during the day. Hope we get a little warmth back so I can do some of my autumn things!

  4. What a pretty window and view. I love all the panes in it. It's hard to imagine snow now, although it's cooling way down here.
