Monday, October 19, 2009

Mindless Monday.....

I had seen two oak trees along the road but couldn't get the shot, but this one I did take. I don't think that it is an oak tree. It might be a maple. We have some neat oak trees in our area, but not a lot of them. They have been planted by settlers and so we have some groves of them on some of our rolling hills.

Since this is a creative zone, I will share some macros that I took to see how it would work. Those of you who have this setting you know that some colors react to it and don't put out a focused picture.

It is a lot of yellow. As we traveled to southern Iowa today, there were a lot of trees that have turned to beautiful colors. We don't have the timbers like those out east as the colors are spotted among brown trees, as we do have a lot that don't change with great colored leaves.

I thought maybe you might need some green with red to give your eyes a rest from all that yellow. We are going to warm up today to 67 degrees, which is actually our normal temperature. I should get some work done on various out door projects. Have a good Monday.
Thanks for reading.....


  1. The maple are turning here. I love the color they turn. It makes me want a bowl of chili.

  2. Thanks for showing us those leaves. Quite a soothing colour for Monday morning (and a wet Monday morning in this part of the world)

  3. You got a couple really good macros there Larry! Good job:)
