Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A work in progress.......

Sixty five degrees today so today I have to put in the new door.

What you are seeing here is my old door. It is very deceptive as it looks like a normal door and everything seems good with it. The thing you don't know is that some idiot had to bring in a fiberglass shower through this 32 inch door and he had to cut one of the inner frame boards that supported the hinges. It was a good thing that it allowed him (that really would be me) to get the shower through the door, but it messed up the door. Eventually the door sagged about an inch and a half and during the winter the air would just blow around the door. I tried to fix it but it was easier just to buy a new very tight door.

Getting the door out took very little time, but the widening of the door opening for a 36 inch door was complicated. As you can see this is the hole. I love the effect that took place with the camera as you can see all the way out to my dead tomato plants, waiting their turn to be cleaned up and posts taken out for the winter. You are seeing a porch roof at the top.

I really dig the mess one creates to get stuff done. It takes more time to get all the tools assembled and find just the right tool that helps one to yank out nails and to cut up wood. I bought a new reciprocating saw for work on my parents home, and it was a life saver today. I had to cut an inch away from a doorway stud to make the new door fit. There are two stud pieces on each side so the roof isn't going to fall in, with an inch of wood taken away from one of the boards. I know that I have spread drywall dust and sawdust all over the art gallery so all of the paintings on the wall will have to be taken down and cleaned. All of them, 30 or more of them.

I am not done but I did have the door in by the end of the day, with door knob installed and everything square. The door is tight fitting but we were so use to this door that flung open because it was so crooked. It is a good, tight door and I am glad.
I will deal with removing siding and put a lot of the same trim back on the house. The top board of course is too short so I will need to replace that. I am not sure if I will decorate it as much as it was before. Maybe in the spring I will have time to fancy it up some.

I started at ten in the morning, and shut down for an hour after lunch to regroup my mental state. It was getting so frustrating for a while that it was best to stay away. But when I started up again, things went well and I finished a little after five. I took a half hour to clean up and put stuff away. I am tired but glad I got it to go so far. It is not suppose to rain tomorrow so I can get it done.


  1. Larry I need you over here. The new carpet is making the front door stick and I need some shavings taking off it. But the thought of unhinging the door is unhinging me. Cousin Dave is back from Spain later this week. The door will have to stick a bit longer.

  2. Can't wait to see the finish. I loved the door color you had on the old door.

  3. You do good work! I like how it has windows in it. My husband doesn't really like these types of jobs, but he uses them as an excuse to buy new power tools. It does seem like the set up and clean up takes longer than the actual job sometimes. Glad the weather is cooperating.

  4. Lovely new door, and I hope you're planning on using the same color paint as the old door, I think it looked so welcoming.
    It's a huge job for one person, hubby went through the same thing last year, but enlisted the help of his brother and myself.
    I made tea.
    Well done !!

  5. Great job, Larry! My husband had to put in three doors in the two houses we are renovating this summer, too. And of course, NONE of the door frames were level in those 100+ old houses, either!

  6. I need some work done on the chicken coop's door, want the job?
