Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My house in the middle of the street......

Remember that song, I could never understand how a street would work if the house was in the middle of it. Anyway, here are a few views of where I live.

This is looking up the street from my corner. This is a town of 125 years old. It really does look like Mr. Roger's neighborhood. Notice we have no curbs and gutters. Most small Iowa towns never installed them, My ditch between the sidewalk and road is the drainage system. Our main street is modern as it also is a state highway. So you can see gutters and curbs there.
The houses were build sparsely at first and then different vintage houses have been built in the blank spaces. My house for example is 105 years old and was the only house built on an area of two blocks. It was a farm house sort of even though a town was being built up in the area. It originally had a barn for a cow and maybe a horse for a buggy. As time went on, different parts of the two blocks were sold off until it is all filled in as a town. We have 20's and 30's houses mixed in with ranch houses of the 60's on this block.

From across my street you can see my old house. The trees are covering some of it's best features. But as the leaves fall I will keep sharing pictures. The house is a story and a half because the second floor is more attic like even though you can walk up there.

I took the photos in order to show you the fall leaves. The foreground tree is my neighbor's maple tree. The camera picks up the house color as pink, but it really is a sherbet red.

This is a photo of my birch tree as it is starting to turn yellow. I will have to stay on this photo schedule as it changes quickly. In the foreground is a red bud tree I planted four years ago. The color of the house is more accurate in this photo. I will show more as time progresses. I took farm scenes across the street and stole photos of my neighbor's blooming hydrangea bushes. If I am not thrown in jail for stealing photo shots I will return again. Thanks for reading.


  1. I love small towns, yours looks charming.

    Love the blue gate!

  2. The leaves are starting to turn here too. The dogwoods are already red. The maples have a touch of color at the tops. Over the next month, the yellow will become orange, then red, then all the leaves will fall off. But for a couple days, it's gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Really fascinating to see your neighbourhood. So different from a British street! And how lovely to have these mature trees all the way along.

  4. It never dawned on me that we didn't have curbs in that town until they re-did the main street and it took about a year. At least it seemed like a year...probably only took a few months. I need to go out to the Art Center and take some fall pictures.

  5. We are renovating TWO houses across the street from is over 100 years old and the other probably was built in the 30's...they have so much character! We used to live in a big old Victorian house too. I love old houses!
