Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday nostalgia.......

Returning to Bar Harbor for a quick visit. I have good feelings about this place as I know that we will be going back next summer to see my son and his wife. Something to look forward to when I see winter around the corner.

Our son took us on a hike up a mountain to see some bridges and waterfalls. This was a scene along the way. It looks like our wild golden rod that grows freely in Iowa.

This is a path along the Mt. Dessert Island in Maine. I have shown you pictures of Otter Cliffs and these paths are all along the shoreline.

I spent the day on a porch roof of an addition that my dad created 30 or more years ago. It is an engineering nightmare as the shed roof is settling away from the main house. I did get the roof corrected from the top and it is now waterproof again. Now another day's worth of work to get the inside corrected so the roof will again me connected to the house.
Fixing things is really harder than just tearing it down and starting all over again. I sat there a moment and said to my brothers under my breath, who are out of state, I think I must tear this down. I don't think this is fixable. But I got creative and there were solutions.
And I think I can have it back in sound shape and cosmetically fixed. I am too old to be working on roof tops. Thanks for reading.......


  1. There is a story within our family that Great Aunt Ruth-Annie reached the (then - it was back in the 1920s) good old age of 90 and the local newspaper sent a young reporter around to interview her. He knocked at the door and heard a voice coming from high above shout "What do you want?". Looking up and imagining that he was already too late for the interview he discovered Aunt Ruth-Annie on the roof of her house replacing some slates.

  2. Alan, I guess I can go thirty more years with my shingling career. Aunt Ruth-Annie sounds like a go getter. Thanks for sharing a smile with me.

  3. Be careful up on that roof, Larry. My husband fell off a roof and broke his hip. (He was only in his 30's at the time). He was never good at home repairs, & I need to be like Aunt Ruth-Annie, & do it myself... :)

  4. Thanks for your concern. It is a very small slop of a porch roof. I won't do steep roof types any more.

  5. The rocks give the flowers different type of background. Looks nice.

  6. you sound like my husband, who is fixing up TWO old houses across the street. In fact, he fixed the roof of our attached outside front porch, but next year has to figure out a way to support the roof while tearing off and replacing the porch floor.
    Lord help us! ha
