Thursday, October 1, 2009

Remembering Summer Fun.....

in Duluth, Minnesota.

When I was full time teaching and doing technology work, life would get heavy, do you know what I mean? I would be in the middle of doing something and flash, I would be drinking coffee at a coffee shop in Grand Marias, Minnesota on Lake Superiou. Stress, winter weather, severe cold and work overload would bring on the desire to be where I had been and life was fun. The brain is good at that.

Now that I am retired, I have learned a little how to let up on myself and cut back the stressed lifestyle. As fall starts to hit though, I don't think I will have the stress mind flashes as much as I now have time to just remember and appreciate the summer. We have had three close family member deaths and two weddings in the past 15 months, so we are still reeling from that emotional ride. The weddings signal that our children are officially grown up now and we aren't going to see them very often. My wife and I are really trying to just enjoy life a little more on the easy side.

So we will be looking forward to returning next year to Minnesota and to Maine. We can hope to find some other places to visit as the next year develops. For now, I have to get into my picture storehouse and bring them all out and review the summer. Enjoy the life of the past and of the future.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the boat with the birds...I think it has to do with your creative angle of it...but it is wonderful.
    I know what you mean about the stress when you work...I have quickly learned now that I am retired that things CAN wait until tomorrow and we have been taking more time to hike and enjoy nature. Photography really helps you slow down and pay attention to these details of life and appreciate them all over again.
    Hope you consider coming to the U.P. on your travels and if you do, let me know so we can meet you and your wife!
