Friday, October 2, 2009

Murray, Iowa......

This is the old building that was the Murray fire department's main fire house for many years, probably over 100 years. They now have a newer building. I don't have time today, but I am going to visit with you about the architectural features that are on this building. Who would think that the Greeks and Romans could affect Murray builders.
I am struggling to get things done around the rain today. The bathroom project would be a good one to work on today but the hour and ten minutes drive down hinders my decision to do that. I have a shipping box made and ready for the shipping of a painting my wife just sold. I have the livestock, birds and fish, in the house all fed, and I need to go get more frame molding in Des Moines. As I whine about the rain it looks like it might be clearing a little. When it get's dry I want to salvage some apples off the ground for an apple pie, and I still need to pick my rhubarb and freeze it for later.
The good thing that happened to me today was the receiving of my prize from a fellow blogger's contest. Sunny from the New England area has a really nice site that shares wonderful thoughts, good music and wonderful photos. Barnyards and Barnacles is her blog, Check it out!!!!! I have a beautiful photo of a New England path ready for framing, and as a bonus I got a photo of one of her sheep pictures. It is so cool also.
I also had a difficult time getting blogspot to load my photos today. It must have been a time when they were having a glitch. As a former tech guy, that is the word I will use. Glitch is a better word than meltdown, but I don't think they were in that bad of trouble. Anyway, I will get going on to my tasks and take some things off my list. Thanks for reading......


  1. My mother grew up in a town in Kentucky called Murray, the name was later changed to New Zion. What will happen to the old building? I hate to see them torn down.

  2. I love old brick buildings..their sturdiness or something attracts me to them...they look like they never age.
