Saturday, October 31, 2009

Returning to Bar Harbor.....

and as winter approaches, I will be able to keep returning to the summer fun that we experienced. So many pictures, so much to blog.

In Bar Harbor, there were a set of shops with a center patio. This plant hung on the outside of a gallery that had interesting paintings and jewelry for sale. The plant, I believe is the supertunia that I have seen on garden shows but one I have never owned.
From the info I soaked in, it will profusely bloom as a result of alot of fertilizer. I have seen it on shows where it grew almost a foot high off of the ground.

This is the full view of the gallery with it's great colored entry. The paintings of the artiest had the same color schemes in their paintings too. It must be the Maine palette.


  1. Those flowers are just lovely. I should steal them and post them in "My Secret Garden" hee, hee.

    They certainly do match their surroundings.

    I look forward to more photos of your summer vacation. When winter comes they will put a bit of warmth into our cold lives.

  2. It looks like Purple Wave to me Larry..have you not tried them before..wonderful, spreading plant has up to a four foot spread..they like Fert and plenty of regular watering. You should be able to grow this one very nicely in Iowa!! :)
