Saturday, October 31, 2009

Searching for color......

We are not into winter yet but when we do get there, we become so wanting of the colors of the other seasons. The blue of the snow is pretty and the yellow sun does shine to give us hope, but the first bright green of grass sprouts and tulips will bring us back to life.

My neighbor's burning bush with their yellow slide continues to be bright. The grass is still green.

The last of these leaves are just hanging there. It was a great orange color and the leaves can still hold their color as they lay on the ground.

The last bellflower is gone now but these two were doing well a week ago. The purplish blue helps to fill out the spectrum.

This fish at the zoo has the nicest yellow green colors on it. They do glow on the black and white body. I think one of the reasons I have kept an aquarium is that in the winter you can enjoy tropical thoughts.
As our Sunday warms us up today, I hope to go out and enjoy it. We have had so much rain, and I have spent the weeks getting my basement suitable for the furnace salesman to come and see what I need to heat my house efficiently. He didn't even say a thing about the nice clean basement, but he was a nice guy and didn't say a word about all the stuff I didn't get thrown away at the landfill. A polite man that called me "Sir", it was so nice to hear it being said. He will send me a lot of options for a new system, hot and cold, and I will finally replace the furnace in this hundred plus year old house. I hope you are resting today. Thanks for reading.......


  1. The burning bush plant with the leafless tree as background looks beautiful and formed an interesting composition. The fish looks fascinating. Even though it's depressing in the monotonous winter, I am looking forward for the photos of winter scenes. I think it's interesting to look at them from a faraway place!

  2. I can see that you're hungry for colour in advance of the winter. The red/yellow/green in the first shot will be one to look back on when it's all white outside.

    I can't think that a tradesman in the UK would call a customer 'Sir'. You seem to be much more courteous in the US.

  3. Your neighbors burning bush is nice and tall..beautiful. I have to check mine for color again is in another part of the yard. Mine is shorter, much shorter.
    A number of people up here have electric off peak furnaces..they see to like them. We need to think about something else to heat this house with besides an outdoor wood stove..but we do have a gas fireplace as a back up. Heat is just one of those little things that I enjoy:)

  4. The Burning Bush is spectacular, so vibrant.
    How cute is that little fish !!
    We're in the South, "Sir" and "Ma'am" are not just accepted, but expected forms of addressing. When you are used to hearing them, it's as if something is missing, when they are not spoken.
