Saturday, October 10, 2009

Snow forces the final harvest.....

We had our first measurable snow Friday night and it wasn't too bad. Minneapolis area and western Iowa was hit a lot harder that this.

I went out to take some quick shots and look at this, I forgot to bring in the spider plant. I didn't hang it this year and I thought it looked like a falling water cascading over the top piece. I was given the water fountain a few years back and it has enough of a leak that I would have to keep filling it with water daily. I will put a sealer in the bottom of it next year.

I planted these late and I was a very bad caretaker of them. So I did blog about them earlier and made fun of my lack of discipline. So about four days ago I was so surprised that I had beets that actually matured. I didn't get them pulled Friday night as I know that a hard freeze is easier to get out in the country, in town the the houses keep the temperatures warmert. So when it snowed, I though well I will pull the beets, but after the snow melts. I really like pickled beets so I will have to look up a recipe out of one of my wife's cookbooks.
I brought in the potted agapanthus and various other planters, so our entry to our art gallery is like a green house. I have started to move some of them to the spare downstairs room and eventually I will get them all spread throughout the house. We will get down to 28 degrees F tonight so plants will really get hit tonight. Have a great Sunday. Thanks for reading........


  1. I'm still in shorts, and top down on the car. But it won't be long......

  2. The snow makes for lovely pictures, but, not much else. We like pickled red beets also. We also like to put boiled eggs in the pickled beet juice, that is good and tasty also.

  3. We got snow too, but I didn't get out to do photos of it on my plants...great job of those photos!
    The snow melted within about 1 hour of daylight (thank goodness). I am NOT ready for this!

  4. The snow covered plants look interesting and beautiful. The snow is interesting to me, because I never saw it in person.
