Friday, November 13, 2009

Birch tree, and a painting or two....

I blogged about my parents birch tree yesterday and mentioned that I use them for resource pictures for painting birch trees in paintings.

Minnesota Birch with Chickadee, watercolor painting, by Larry Burgus
This painting was sold  a couple of years ago and lives in California.

As I was catching some heat to show some of my art that I have created,  I will share a little. You see I started blogging so that I could learn the ropes of this networking. Then I was going to start painting and create a blog on which I would sell art,  just like my wife does. My problem is that as I retired and haven't painted much. I am busy catching up on all my to do's that never got done because my employer owned me.

 House and Barn,  Oil Painting,  by Larry Burgus

This is a painting that I created a few years back and it sold this past month. I am an architectural buff so the whole view of the house had to be painted.  I added the antique truck for interest, and I had to have some goats in the yard for fun.  The holly hocks were added for fun also.

Red Barn and Silo, oil painting, by Larry Burgus

This is an older oil painting that is very large. It hasn't sold and I am glad as it is one of my favorite paintings.  I think it's size has kept people from being interested in it and I plan to eventually sell prints of it in a smaller size.

A Brave New Journey , acrylic painting, by Larry Burgus

Since retirement,  I have finished one commissioned drawing, and  I  completed this acrylic painting back in March. It is "A Brave New Journey."  What do I say?  It was like a monster, out of control. I have never painted one like this my entire life. I have painted landscapes and I have painted abstract designs like Kandinsky, but I have never put those styles together before in an artwork. Art works are hard work and sometimes they take on a mind of their own. I still don't know where this came from but maybe the next artwork will give me an answer as to where my new style will be.

As a carpenter right now, I know a painter I will be again, when the snow starts to fall.  I have my outside of my dining room done now, siding complete for stage one.
Thanks for reading.

I have had requests to see my wife's work.  You can find her blog on the right side column under the elephant painting.  She has two sites, one, the creative spirit, shares more about her present work the other is her archived work.  I put the links below also.

The Creative Spirit 
 Della Burgus Art


  1. The first art work looks wonderful with soft colors and the branches forming beautiful designs around the bird. I like the architecture and the shadows in the second art work. The art work titled "A Brave New Journey" looks bold, imaginative and different. I like them all and look forward to see more of your art works. I already have seen your wife's works and they are wonderful.

  2. The Minnesota Birch with Chickadee is lovely, Larry. I especially like the Brave New Journey. You are so very talented.

  3. You are such a talented painter. I really like all of your paintings, but the Chickadee one is just amazing. Must be the bird lover in me.

  4. I've always loved birch trees, and you've really captured the spirit of them in your 'Minnesota Birch'.

    Interesting to read about your creative process and how 'A Brave New Journey' took you to places you didn't realise you were heading for.

  5. Thanks for indulging our requests to see your art.
    It is fantastic!
    If I were you, I would worry about doing all the carpentry work because you could injure your art making hands!!
    I loved the chickadee on the birch trees, it is my favorite.
    My husband just started making frames with birch bark to compliment my photography...I could picture it inside one of those frames.
    LOVED it.
