Saturday, November 14, 2009

The final days......

I started on Wednesday to put the siding on, without any interruptions from outside forces.  It was cold, but the initial start is always slow as I had to cut around gas vents and a telephone line.

On Thursday I picked up the tools and finished the siding half way up the wall. I have it all sealed in now and tied it into the old siding up in the gable area.  I will finish the siding this spring when it warms up, but for now the dining room is all sealed up on the outside.

I am going to rest for a few days before dealing with the interior situation.  My wife and I have discussed it and made a few plans but want to wait until Monday to regroup and make a final plan on  how to proceed. Since I am doing the work, we have the freedom to move and decide as we go.

As I cleaned up the final items and put everything away, I looked down and saw some final glimpses of green and yellow.  The pattern of  faded glory of field lily leaves create a nice design.
Thanks for reading......


  1. You did very well, it looks perfect !
    Just in time for Winter, so no more drafts and high electric bills.
    Lovely !

  2. Looking good Larry. Wanna come do some work on my house?

  3. Wow..your house looks brand new with the new siding and window!! Great job!
