Thursday, December 3, 2009

ALL IN A DAY'S WORK..........

It is in her genes.  Her mother, Grandma Kitty, was a street cat that found that her being on the house roof to be very exciting. In fact, as she lived there a lot. She would go all the way to to top and sit on the chimney.  At one time we had bats in the chimney and I am certain it was one of her draws to be up there.  In the winter she would like to keep warm from the chimney heat.  She could come in and live in the house but in the  day that is where she wanted to be.
We would have people stop in to our frame shop and say, "you have a cat on your roof."  Yes, we knew.  She started to find ways up there early in her life and then I started leaving a step ladder near by.  She could get up there by climbing around on things, but couldn't always get down.
When I say it is in Yellow Kitty's genes,  I mean it.  Her mother actually carried Yellow Kitty as a kitten, in her mouth up onto the house roof and over the second story roof and into our upstairs bedroom window.  I was working on the window at the time and it was wide open for her to bring her kitten into the house. I looked up and there was a gray cat coming toward me with her mouth full of Yellow Kitty. Did I mention that Yellow Kitty was an only child so she was the fattest kitten in the history of cats.

One time, Yellow Kitty got up on the roof, she only could use a ladder, and she got stuck up there while we were gone.  She got so overheated up there, on a hot day, that I had to go up and capture her and bring her down. We put her in front of the air conditioner vent and cooled her down.  We thought we were never going to get her back to normal temperature.  I remove everything away from the house now and she isn't allowed up there, but the ladder to the garden shed, she just discovered a couple of days ago. I have been storing it there as I don't have to mow around it when it leans against that porch roof.
As you can see she can get down on her own. The ladder has two side by side rails so she can walk it down.  As you can she how she zig zags down the ladder.

When I was out there snapping pictures, she would meow as if she were complaining that she had to bring herself down on her own. She meowed loudly at ever step.

As you can see she is  very proud of her self of her achievement.  She insisted that I lift her down from this step.

We are having cool weather now, so she was on the roof to warm up and now she is over by the orchard, in the sun.  A cat can always find the warmest place to be, out of the wind, to keep sheltered.  Yellow Kitty does live in our basement over night and in the winter she spends many a day sleeping, rather than going outside.  She seems to sense when it is winter as she doesn't bother asking to go outside when there is deep snow or very cold weather.  
My wife and I got the last of the frame jobs done for the one person today.  I am headed back to the dining room this afternoon to get back on schedule.  Schedule heck, I got two new frame jobs in this morning and I have a crocheted last name to stretch and frame.  Their deadlines are determined by me though, but I do have to finish them by Christmas.   Take care everyone, and stay warm.  We have a high of 31 degrees F. today.   Thanks for reading..........


  1. For my centigrade friends, I will try to quote both temperatures. The 30 degree F., is 16 degrees C. I had the conversion guide on my dashboard all along and I forgot to use it. Our low last night was 16 degrees F. minus 9 C.

  2. Take care yourself my friend and wrap up warm. I could do with borrowing your cat - we have starlings in our roof space and I need something to deter them.

  3. My dog loves to sleep next to our baseboard heaters or in the sun. I mentioned this to my vet and he said he wanted to check her thyroid. I guess an underactive thyroid causes them to be cold. Well, her test came back normal so I just have a dog who loves to be toasty. I thought of this when I read this post.
    In the winter my outdoor cats sleep by the dryer vent. Your cat is pretty...I love her color.

  4. Here in the south, it doesn't matter whether it's centigrade or farenheit, when it drops below 50 degrees!

  5. It amazes me how cats can climb up and down ladders. Our old cat Winston could do that but the two we have now would prefer an elevator!
    Stay warm!
    Sunny :)

  6. I loved reading about Yellow Kitty. They are such cute creatures. I noticed they each have a personality of their own. Some also talk alot more than others.

    It was cold here last night and this morning, we got a dusting of snow last evening, and I was amazed that there were already fender-benders, with just that dusting of snow, but, it was enough to make the roads slick.

  7. Yellow Cat is gorgeous. My neighbour had a cat the same colour, she called it Marmalade which sounded silly when she went out at night to call it in :)

  8. What a great story about Yellow Kitty and her Mama..I really enjoyed it..cats are pretty smart..they pick their own people too..obviously you were chosen! We have no cats now, but do enjoy the grandkids kittys:)

  9. Cats are crazy wonderful, aren't they. Yellow cat is a beauty. Loved the photos. :)
