Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday's day of work......

I had a fellow teacher that I knew for quite a lot of years. He seemed very quiet and unambitious.  He told me once that he didn't want to let people know all the things that he could do, as people would stand in line to ask for favors, if they knew.  
I thought of that when this woman asked us to do a quick job of framing family pictures for her Christmas party this Sunday.   The job  ended up being 32 different pieces that I framed and my wife helped with all the assembly.  Because of that job I wasn't getting my remodeling done.

The irony of the stack of framed photos in the black frames is that I have them stacked on the boxes of ceiling tiles that I needed to get installed.  I laugh at it now, as I try not to be a mean guy, but she asked if I hand finished working on the dining.
I should not say this but I was so tired of seeing the picture of the five sisters in red blazers and the two brothers.  That picture was included in every one of the collages.  

The hardest part of putting in this old fashion ceiling tile is getting a square start.  I really agonized the start of the process as I so didn't want the whole job to not be square with the room. I was so brave, or stupid, as I used the same blue line, starting reference that was marked by the guy who did the ceiling the first time probably 40 years ago.  I had to have blind trust as I really didn't want to mess with all that it takes to get a straight grid going.  I did do a little measuring and squaring to see if it was good. Well, my instinct was correct. The guy's blue guide line worked.

The light shinning on this helps you to see the pattern.  I think it is a design that has been around for many years.  It looks just right in this very old house.  I worked all day on it and I have about 46 squares to go.  I had to take time out to move the light socket so it would be centered with the window and with our new dining room table.  I needed 186 squares so I am way over half done.  Saturday, with a night's sleep, should be the last day for me to work on it.  We are hoping that the we don't have to go back and buy any more squares.    Progress, finally, is taking place again.     Thanks for reading.....


  1. Busy hands are happy your hands must be REALLY happy!
    Your ceiling is very nice, I like the tile.
    Sunny :)

  2. The pictures and frames look very nice and the ceiling looks very nice also. But, this evening you will be so happy to stand back and say, "And I did it all by myself!" Enjoy the rest of your week-end.

  3. Everything looks great. You sure do have some creative hands.

  4. It is looking really good, you are making progress;)
