Saturday, December 26, 2009

Burl Ives and more......

Across the street, we have this guy standing in the snow.   He glows in the night with a light inside of him and a fan blower inflates him.  I don't know how popular the balloon decorations are in your area that you live, but they are everywhere!!!!

This guy is much bigger than he appears.  I looked out yesterday and the neighbor guy, Scott, was shaking his head violently.  Actually I realized he was knocking off snow but at first it looked like a brutal attack.

This penguin sits next to the snowman.  He belongs to a family with a second grade girl and twin girls in kindergarten.  The were so excited when these decorations were being put out.  They are quite a threesome.  They keep my border collie busy watching out for them.  I have a cute picture of the three girls petting him, but with the world we live in I will not post it.  He just sits and loves to be petted by all three.
I scooped snow today and finished the final thing in the dining room, final hanging of the light fixture.  What in the world will I do with my life? We are looking forward to having our Chicago kids here tomorrow.  We have been eating off the new dining room table, with an old quilt as a tablecloth to protect it,  but tomorrow it gets the first royal treatment.  Thanks for reading......


  1. I'm sure you'll find something to do with your "spare" time. Enjoy the meal with friends and family in the new dining room. You've earned it.

  2. The snowman attack would have made a great video. Congrats on getting all your work done!

  3. I have not seen as many of these this year as last, but I have passed a couple of houses that must have close to a dozen of these blow up decorations in various stages of inflation blowing in the wind!
    You must be happy to have your project over with, what in the world will you do with your time? Ha-ha!
    Have a lovely visit with your family and keep warm.
    Sunny :)

  4. That would have been funny to catch Scott on video! LOL! I don't have lawn ornaments like those but they are popular here too. The nice thing is they don't take much room for storage.
    Enjoy your family today! My family is coming in this evening, then Christmas will officially be over.

  5. It sounds like a perfect Bing Crosby White Chistmas, as well :)!

  6. Over here inflatable figures seem to be used in the most inappropriate places, thereby losing their attractiveness.
    I loved the teddy bear tree, what a novel idea.
    Hope you enjoyed Christmas, Larry, and have a Happy New Year.

  7. On the way to town we pass a place that has a bunch of these things..I don't know..personally I don't want one..but maybe I am just old and set in my ways:)

  8. We have a lot of the inflatables here too...but they are kind of noisy, don't you think?
