Monday, December 28, 2009

Evergreen forest....not.

Photography can be so tricky when it comes to deceiving the viewer.  I was trying to copy a fellow blogger's cue and take a shot of my neighbors trees.  I cropped it so it kind of looks  like it is in the forest.  But it is not a forest but a row of two trees.

My Minnesota balsam tree puts out a nice pattern with it's four inches of powdery snow dumped on it.

The previous owner built in a buffet the length of the room and it is great storage.  The wood is a veneered, unknown wood to me. We decided to leave the one wall with walnut paneling which is on the  same side of the room as the buffet.   It looks so much lighter now without  all the four walls of dark paneling. 

Our Christmas dinner was served here on Sunday. It was a special time and it felt good to have such a nice place to serve guests.  When you live in an old house, you except certain conditions that are not changeable, but this change was really a satisfying thing.

We are traveling to southern Iowa to check on my parents house to see that the heat is still working and the water pipes are safe.  We will get down to five below tonight.  We will stop at a bookstore on the way back and have some hot coffee and try to warm up.    Thanks for reading............


  1. Your dining area looks lovely and inviting. Nicely done. Hope you have a safe trip.

  2. It looks nice! There is nothing like conversing with loved ones after a hearty meal.

  3. WOW... these are some wonderful images that totally inspire! You are super creative even in the winter white.
    Looking forward to the New Year following your wonderful blog.

  4. Your dining room turned out so nicely. It's so satisfying to do all that work and be happy with the outcome. We are in the middle of tiling one of our bathrooms and I can't wait to be finished.

  5. Your dining room looks so welcoming, you did a really nice job.
    The trees are so pretty with the snow on them.
    Have a safe trip, it's really cold and windy here today.
    Sunny :)

  6. You could have fooled me. I would have sworn those trees were part of a huge forest! I hope your Christmas dinner turned out well. The dining room is beautiful!

  7. Your new dining room is very inviting..I am sure you will enjoy it..what are you going to do with all your spare time? I hope you had a lovely time with your kids from Chicago:)

  8. Your new window and finished dining room looks terrific! And I can hear the dining room table asking "when will they get here?"!
