Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas gift.......

Our Christmas was moved to Sunday.  The Chicago kids still had a few problems getting here as the front left Iowa and moved over to Illinois. We had a great turkey dinner with the dressing and fixings that go with that.  My wife is a great pie maker so we had pumpkin and mince meat pie.  Our family is down to six now with two others that didn't make it here from Maine.  It was a good meal and afterwards we exchange gifts.
I received this one gift from the brother-in-law and his wife which confused me at first.  The sister-in-law has a history of buying great buys after Christmas then sharing the bounty the next year, so when you get a gift it could be an expensive thing but not to her and her husband as they get it for such a discount.
As I opened this gift, I was tired, and I thought, oh boy, what thing did I get stuck with here? It took a while to focus in to see what it really was, then I was all smiles. She had found something to add to my addictive collection.

I had seen these in stores before but I only buy the discounted price ones, so I never bought any like these.  As you can see, each is individually boxed and she must have hit a great sale.

My knowledge of what is going on with the industry of making glass blown ornaments is being shared by me way too often but here is some more that I have learned.  The package of each says they are glass painted ornaments and this is true.  They have developed a way to apply and fire glass paints onto a plastic-like form.  It is the best I can get of almost authentic, glass blown ornaments.   I won't whine about it anymore. There are still glass blown out there, but the process has been modified and that will do.   These won't be collectibles, but they do represent a time of years gone by.

This one makes me smile.  She is one hot penguin girl.  I have the guy and I have her all dressed up with her purse and necklace. There are things in her hair and a nice pink bow to make her fancy.  I think that it is lipstick being depicted there too.   What a hoot!!! I can't figure it out if they are giant ear rings or just plain ear muffs, but she has something on her ears.

We didn't get all of our trees up as soon as we should have, and you know why, but we will leave them up for a while. I will probably go ahead and put these on my little tree.  I am scouting for a bigger tree for next year.  Mine is a three foot.  I hope that I can find a four or five foot one now. 

We will have very cold weather all week so I don't know when we will get out again.  My parents home was a warm 40 degrees when we visited it.  I turned everything up to 50 degrees to keep the plaster from cracking and I partially drained back some of the water out of the pipes.  I miss the three people who lived there as it is such an empty house now.  I scooped a walk to the door but no one will use it but me.  I rather not return now for a couple of months with it so cold and it looks so much more isolated and abandoned with all the snow around it.   We are resting and are warm at home.    Thanks for reading....


  1. Adorable, nostalgic ornaments. How nice.
    We are lucky to have glass, handblown ornaments from my husband's mother to still put on our tree, along with all the ones I have collected through our 37+ years of marriage.
    It is nice to have collections so that when you decorate the tree each year, you can bring forth all the memories to go with them.

  2. Oh what cute ornaments! I love the teddy bear. I broke one of my favorite glass ornaments the other day, which made me very sad.
    I think our trees will come down this weekend after the new year. It's hard to believe that Christmas is come and gone.
    Keep warm.
    Sunny :)

  3. I'm like your sister-in-law, I love a good buy! We went shopping the day after Christmas and picked up several items for next year. I not only saved money, but it willl eliminate some stress for next year.

  4. They are charming!

    Mincemeat, I miss that!

  5. Larry..They are gorgeous..your sister in law has taste! This was an excellent gift for you! I love them all..I was very smitten with the Toy Soldier..I love the bright colors:)
