Monday, December 7, 2009

A last hurrah!!!!!

The old window was pathetic.

The new opening is all ready to go for a transformation.

It is almost done.  I am reaching the point of not liking any of it but when it is all done I will feel better about it.  I should have been born wealthy, then I would have bought a new house and not be dragging this on and on.  I have crown molding to install, three doorways to frame in with trim, and a wall of natural wood paneling to restore.  Then I will be done.  Did I tell you that the dining room table and chairs are arriving tomorrow.  I will cover it with lots of blankets and move it out of the way.  Oh yes, I need to put up a new light fixture.

All of you  have been so patient with  me as I have talked this to death. I am really sorry about this.  I will be switching gears and I will go outside and start taking pictures of our 48 hours of continuous snow.  They now say it will start at ten o'clock tomorrow night and we should have about 12 inches of it when we are done.  Wind will not be optional, but will be strong and continuous.  I just hope we don't loose our electricity with all of this that they are predicting.  Now on a side note, they do get over excited and sometimes the whole thing misses us.  I can only hope....  Thanks for reading.


  1. Well I for one am not at all bored with your has been interesting to follow. So you are getting a snowstorm..lucky you! It will seem more like Christmas! Our ground is white..we could use a couple of feet of snow, it will seem warmer once we get a snow cover:)

  2. I'm not bored with your project either. I love seeing house restoration projects, and we've done a few ourselves over the years.

    At least you got the new window in before the coming snow storm.

    You are doing a great job.

    I look forward to snow scenes.


  3. I know how it is. My kitchen has been an ongoing project since I moved in here in June 2007. Now that the cabinets are in, I just can't find the energy to finish the room. I want to. I need to. Maybe this week. Or next.

    It's tough trying to do all the things we have to do all at the same time. Be sure to post photos when it's done though. We want to see it in it's final glory. I'm sure you've done a great job.

  4. You should be quite proud of the great job you are doing.
    Renovations never seem to end on old houses! Been there...done that! Ha-ha!
    Sunny :)

  5. I feel for you, we just renovated an old house this summer, and it seems like it will never be finished. The renters moved in on October 16, and my husband still had and has a few things to do yet. Thank goodness they brought some of the light fixtures of their own and put them up.

    As far as the weather, I thinks we are in for a bad one. If you look at the weather map for Iowa, it is almost covered with the fast approaching storm. We have a camper in the back yard, should the electric go off. It is heated with gas, and I also have a gas stove in it.

  6. You are working hard. Still there must be satisfaction from a job which is obviously well done.

  7. New windows do wonders! We bought our house in December and had new windows in by that May. Such a difference. World of Windows does a great job - they contract out jobs and they had our entire house done in four hours.
