Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snowstorm underway......

Snow monster has already developed out side my porch door.  I mentioned in my other blog that I didn't make it out to take pictures until sundown.  Yes, there must have been a sun up there behind all of those snow clouds.  I went out tonight after supper to scoop out an area for our short legged dog could do his business.  We must have at least nine inches of snow by now and they say we should have up to 14 inches.  The 25 mph wind will help move it around for us and make it impossible to drive anywhere. I can hear the roar of the wind right now while I sit here and type.

There is snow on all my little roofs.  The flash reflects back off of the falling snow making it magical.  I will venture out tomorrow in daylight and take pictures without a flash.

I have been to the store twice, to get the food supply stocked up. In reality we were stocked up,  I just was out of coffee.  That would have been a bad scene being without coffee and snowbound.  I also forgot to get the bread, so I went back up and got that plus some cheese and crackers.  I will get a lot of the final work done on the dining room tomorrow.  I have a need of a couple special sized boards that will keep me from being completely done, but it is so close.

A side note of how people of the past leave you surprises.  I have decided that the doorway between our dining room and living room wasn't originally there when the house was built.  I was replacing a trim board over the doorway and the board I was nailing into just fell to the floor.  It had never been nailed in anywhere.  Also the door had to have been cut out at a later time as there is no header. It was as if they cut it open, and didn't bother to put in the support required to keep things from falling in on your head. It gave me a new problem to solve but I did put in the header, who knows how many years later and I have fixed the area to look like nothing was ever wrong.

A cold windy night tonight and snow just keeps coming.  I will be up to check to see that the electricity is going.  I have the large flashlight charged up and the rest will just happen... Thanks for reading.


  1. Running out of coffee is a serious offense in my house too. Keep the snow up your way. We've got some in the forecast for the weekend. I'm hoping it's just more rain.

  2. When I read about the storms my first thought was to wonder whether you would be affected and here I see that you are. Sounds like you're all provisioned for being snow-bound (if you substitute tea for coffee I'd also have made that emergency dash out to the shops). Enforced dining room work looms for you! How strange that previous occupants did such a flimsy job on the doorway.

  3. Have you noticed that you only run out of things when the weather is bad? Ha-ha!
    I had so many things planned for today that are on hold due to the storm you sent...thanks!!
    At least snow is better than last year's ice storm.
    I like all your snowy pictures.
    Sunny :)

  4. "The snow is snowing,
    The wind is blowing,..."
    Oh, it is nasty out there in the snow.
    However, your pictures are beautiful of the snow.

  5. Seems like Iowa is getting it bad. We've had some snow here and now it's getting slushy with rain. I love your photos of snow falling.. they're difficult to capture just right. Looking forward to more of yours.

  6. It looks so pretty, especially against your blue gate. I sure hope you didn't lose power.
