Friday, December 11, 2009


Snow had collected nicely on my tree.  We actually warmed up to 23 degrees today and it seemed warm because we had a clear day and the sun did shine.

The winds were strong enough to  create different shapes and sculptures.  I had a neat design around my garbage bin, but the guys who cleared the snow out of my drive also cleared around the bin for me.

The main roads are cleared, with the salt and different chemicals that they use to get it to melt.  All of the side streets look like this.  It gets packed down and will stay for weeks so we are all in our winter driving mode.  Our country roads, gravel is the surface material, were not cleared enough to allow the school buses to pick up the students today. 

Thanks for reading......


  1. Sun and Blue Skies..lucky you! We are still dreary and cold:(

  2. Wow, brrr....
    I hope it doesn't stick around too much longer, it makes life so difficult if you have to get around in it.
    It's still a wonderous thing !

  3. Heehee it's so picturesque ... in someone else's yard. Seriously I do like the look of snow, it's the uncertainty of walking in it that puts me off.

  4. It's interesting to see the snow covered white landscape with leafless trees and the snow covered tree with sunlight. I feel the cold in there.
