Saturday, December 12, 2009

Coffee break all day.......

Working hard on any project can eventually get to you emotionally.  I needed to take a mental day off, and do something else.  I have people standing in line to bring me last minute frame jobs for Christmas.  I always get those every single year.  We try to help out for those who can't plan ahead and I don't say bad things to them when they bring the jobs in to me 10 days before Christmas.  So as I was saying, I am taking the day off.
We took off for Des Moines and bought supplies for the frame shop, and I picked up a small glass blown ornament for my tree.  We found our mat board colors that I needed and they were half priced today.  My wife is busy painting last minute commissioned portraits and she found some small oil paint brushes to help her finish up her works.
We then headed to Menard's to pick up moulding for the dining room job.  One needs a lot of moulding to get the finished look that the rest of the house has in it.  We have a last minute repair job of a wallpaper problem.  It will take a half day to repaper the very small ceiling, but we fianally have the paper purchased.  I found a special cut, one by two, that was just the right size for a door frame job that I am doing.  By the way, the only reason we go to Menards is that they carry picture frame moulding and the other fine lumber stores, do not.  Oh yes, I bought a new dimmer switch for our new dining room light. 
After that, we headed to Panera for a nice salad and half of sandwich.  They sucker me in because of their great smelling coffee. The food is good too.
So now we are back home, no fender benders for us, even though we saw two trucks that were in an accident a few days back.  One truck was completely up side down and the the other one, on the other side of the road in the ditch was sitting on it's side.  The lighter weight vehicles, made for good gas mileage, do tend to rock and roll when they get into an accident.
My rest of the day is planned to spend time drinking more coffee, Christmas Traditions was the name of the coffee beans that I bought, and it is very good.  I need to go fill my bird feeders, once I am through resting, and I think I will call it a day.  Oh yes, I am going to talk my wife into putting up her angel Christmas tree, that will sit in the art gallery.  Saturdays while one is retired usually is just another work day, unless you make yourself stop.  I hope everyone is doing good out there, and have a restful Sunday.    Thanks for spending time with me.......


  1. Sounds to me like you and the wife had a busy day and not much time left to laze away with your cuppa coffee. Enjoy your evening.

  2. Larry,

    You deserve a day off and a good smelling and tasting cup of coffee. Sounds like a good kind of busy at your place.

    I just had lunch at Panera. Wow, the soup was great! Now I need to try the coffee :).

  3. You DO sound extremely busy - and here was I looking forward to retirement as a life of ease. Well, not quite - there are so many things I want to do. Still at least 10 years off :(

    Glad you negotiated the treacherous roads safely.

  4. Everyone need a day off now and have been working so hard on all your projects before Christmas...hope you enjoyed your coffee:)
