Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snowstorm update.....

It was too noisy with the wind that Barney didn't like being outside today.  When the wind dies down, he will be out there rolling around in the snow and bouncing up and down like a deer.
Button is too short, his legs are about 8 inches so the 14 inch snow made it impossible for him to be outside to go to the bathroom.  So dad has to go out and shovel for him ever couple of hours to keep it walkable for him.

Barney did make it out once to see if the neighbor's cats were out and about and of course they were not.

This is how the snow piles up  on the porch railing.  I messed up the design with my shovel so there is a dent in the ridge.

The snow doesn't look deep here, but when you get out there it is almost knee deep.

Standing on my porch looking west, I thought how just two days ago the meter man was using that gate and all was clear.  I am glad I have a few days to get it cleared.  It is going to be a very cold week so I will have to work at half hour shifts to get this stuff cleared.  I didn't try to scoop much as any of my foot steps that I left in the snow going to the garbage can, were filled in is less than a half hour. 
Trucks on our major interstate, have  parked there trucks at the Menards parking lot, a truck stop parking lot, and a major shopping mall parking lot.  They have been there two days now and maybe they can get back on the road later Thursday afternoon, only if this wind stops. It is still blowing right now.  All schools, malls, businesses are shut down.  This is Iowa and I don't think we ever get use to this kind of weather. We still have electrictiy........ Thanks for reading........


  1. Wow. .it's the real thing, all right. The photos sure are lovely though. I'm sure your dog appreciates the outdoor facilities. :)

  2. Good grief. I don't know how you do it. That's a lot of snow. And I suspect it's just the beginning of what you'll get over the entire winter.

    It's strange to think, but it was nearly 70 degrees here today. Still holding around 61. We're getting the wind, but no rain or cold, yet. It'll be much cooler the next 3-4 days.

    Stay warm. Good luck on the dining room.

  3. Barney looks like he wants in...Now! I love the blue gate with the white, very pretty.
    Glad to hear that you didn't loose your power.
    Stay warm.
    Sunny :)

  4. Again, some wonderful photographs. Hope it doesn't last too long. If things get really bad, let me know and I will send a food parcel.

  5. Hate the stuff, but I have to admit your snow scenes are gorgeous.
