Sunday, December 13, 2009


A new small ornament for my tree.  I have found that if you have a wood surface and you gently bounce it, that you can tell if it is plastic formed or glass blown.  Glass has that great sound expect when you are dropping it on the wood floor and breaking it. Click on the photo and see the crown on the top. I actually think that is great design for an ornament.

The burning bush has lost all of it's leaves now and creates a perfect line study against the snow.  There are just a few red seeds left for the birds.

The red  twig dogwood bush is looking grand against the snow.  I have mentioned this before to my garden friends about trimming them back. I have read an article about a master gardener who trims them back to the ground each year.  I saw his photos of this yellow twig and red twig bushes, cut back and they were extremely thick because of the pruning.  I did it last year and I do have a thicker bush, but I don't think I will do it again this year.  One of the reasons I planted it was to see those red stems against the snow.

The sedum and black-eyed susans are gone now.  They will last all winter waiting for me to clear them in the spring.   I hope it is warm somewhere out there.  Thanks for visiting my blog.....


  1. The train ornament is lovely, Larry. I wouldn't like to risk bouncing it off anything .. grins.
    The bare branches do make good studies. I've recently been looking at bare trees. How beautiful they are, the splendour stands out when the leaves have fallen.

    'My Christmas Reading'

  2. That ornament is so sweet.. I have heard a few of those glass breaking on wood floor sounds this year, as our tree is actually in our dining room, to keep it out of the traffic area..evidently not quite enough!

    You better stay warm.. as you made the small amount of snow we got last night look pretty wimpy with all that Iowa snow you have!

  3. What a great new addition. I can see why you chose it!
    You can trim those Dogwoods in the spring if you like..before they bud out. Cutting them back is called total does make for a nice shrub..and is always a way to save a misshapen shrub:)
