Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tree number 1 is now up, and a few to go......

My wife started to collect angel ornaments and we got a tree for them so she could have a theme tree.  It has always been the tree that we have up in the Gallery for customers to see and enjoy.  Saturday evening was the time for us to get it up and going. We really are glad we finally got our first tree decorated.  The next tree will be done today.  That will be my glass ornament tree.

The tree is basically all white but it glows a little more yellow from the light below it shining through it.

From the business side of my life I wanted to show you how it is done.  Maybe you have crocheted one of these name corchets or you received one as a gift, but this shows you the work that is required to get the item ready for framing.  We have learned to cut a piece of stiff foam core to the correct size and then draw some guidelines on it so the piece can be pinned and blocked out straight.  In most cases they come to us very uneven.  
As we start in the middle we pin it in alignment to our guidelines working out to the ends.  The little fringes are then pinned out to point in the right direction.  Once it is all straightened we then lightly spray starch it from the back.  When it dries, we remove the pins and have a perfect form to be placed on the mat boards for framing. When I finish this on Monday I will show you the results.  The young woman who is having this framed has chosen Iowa State University colors as her mat colors, red and gold.  It will be interesting to see the final look.    Thanks for reading........


  1. Oh Christmas Tree! How lovely and festive.
    That is quite an involved framing process, I can't wait to see it finished; I'm sure it will be perfect.
    Sunny :)

  2. The tree looks nice, with a snow covered look and angels.The framing process is interesting to read. I am looking forward to see the finished product.
