Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Birdman, who belongs in Alcatraz.......

Red Bellied Woodpecker
I really find it curious that they really have very little pigment on their belly, but I didn't get to help name them back then.

Downy or Hairy Woodpecker
I can't see the red spot on the back of his head and they said the Hairy Woodpecker was the size of a Robin.  I did see a Hairy Woodpecker out there but I think this is the Downy.  I will just change the blog when someone out there helps me out. I guess his head is turned too much to see the back of his head.

I never have noticed these birds around here before.  The bird book says they fly in small flocks to find food and have been known to fly as far as the ocean to get food if they can't find it in the central United States.  That distinct black front makes him a Junco.  We have a lot of finches here in the winter but they turn brown.  I will work on getting a few pictures as time goes by and Sparrows too.
I didn't mention the woodpecker in the back, but he is the mystery one.

Blue Jay
I know there could be, or should be a pair of these but lately only one at a time shows up at the feeder. The wind and the blowing snow made for quite a feeding frenzy yesterday, as I was told they need more food to keep warm. I saw the Cardinals over in my neighbors Lilac bushes today, sunning themselves and I think maybe there is a little seed on them left from the fall.

I didn't get a picture of it but I just had to go capture Jack Sparrow, our cockatiel. He likes to lift the cage door once in a while and take a journey around the room. He is so funny as he turns his back to me so that I can pick him up with a dish towel. Why a dish towel? Once I do him the favor of picking him up to put him back, he bites the heck out of my hand. He and the others are such fun characters and we really do enjoy them.


  1. Good Evening, Such pretty pictures of the birds feeding in the snow. Jack Sparrow must be quite a character! I can't believe he bit you! Maybe a really thick potholder would be safer!!! Have a nice evening.

  2. You got some wonderful visitors at your feeder!
    We have some downy woodpeckers here and lots of Blue Jays and chickadees and grosbeaks this year.

  3. Those are some beautiful shots you got there. We normally feed the birds in the winter but this year we haven't started yet. Now you got me wanting to run into town to get some feed!

  4. Hi Larry, Great bird just call them all woodpeckers.. I only really know the Pileated ones..cause they are so big. Up here when the Juncos come to visit.. we say they bring the snow! I am ok, thank you always for your kind words:)
