Thursday, January 28, 2010

This and that on Thursday......

The dreaded green machine.

What can I say about his photo?  Nothing!   We have had 52 straight days with at least 5 inches of snow on the ground, but right now since that last two major storms we are averaging still a foot of snow or more still out there.  We had a half of inch of fresh white snow today to clean things up a little.  Our average temperature right now is suppose to be 30 degrees.  Our high was 23 degrees. We will get down to 4 below tonight.
It was good to get out today. We have been inside and stuck her for too many days.
I had to start the process of buying a memorial stone for my brother today.  I thought it wasn't going to bother me, but who would think that one would have to ever do that for a brother.  I want his place to be remembered like everyone else and history can't be noted if there is no monument. I am looking so forward to spring.  Thanks for reading .......


  1. It is suppose to snow here as well over the next two days .... loads of fun!

  2. It is 0 F. here this morning, along with all that snow. I too, look forward to spring.

  3. I'm not wishing my life away but spring can't get here fast enough for me.
    They just ploughed our street, the weatherman said it was going to be sunny today...yeah right! The only sunny around here is me! Ha-ha!

  4. I've had cabin fever for quite some time. It is getting real old. Another round of snow and sub-zero temps are here again for us too. One day in mid-July when it is 95 degrees with 100% humidity I might think back on this weather with a little longing. I doubt it, but just maybe.

    I am sorry to learn about your brother. Picking out a memorial stone is a hard thing to do. I've done it twice in my life. It just smacks of the loss and reality. I hope your day gets a little brighter today and that the groundhog will NOT see his shadow next week...Spring!

  5. My brother had such a haunted life, and normal didn't exist for him. He drove most people away from himself, yet hungered for people to accept him. He has ashes in Arizona with a 2 year old son that he lost to leukemia, and the other half are up here with my parents. No matter had unusual things were, I think the right thing to do is to give him a place in history in some cemetery.

  6. L.D. - thanks for checking on Jack - i know what you mean about your brother - it's not easy. Several years ago my brother and father died within three months of each other. Time does heal the wounds though - eventually you just remember the good things.

  7. L.D.: I know what you mean. Both my mom and dad died in the beginning of winter, and we had to do the burials in the spring. It triggered new sets of grief that I thought I had in control when their deaths originally occurred. It is so wonderful that you are going to give a marker at a cemetery to honor him...

  8. I am sorry too for the loss of your brother. I was sole caretaker for my mom the last ten years of her life and she passed away last year. She was blind most of her life and we were the best of friends. No matter how strong our faith or how prepared we are, the loss of a loved one takes time to heal from. I pray that God will surround you with His peace.

  9. Hi Larry, I bet you will pick out something great as a memorial marker for your is a sad job for you to do...they have lots of choices now a can even have a photo put on a piece of granite:)
