Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Color Therapy For All.......

I miss it all. The Christmas colors are great but the natural colors of growing things are better. I am going through withdrawal and I need to see it again, soon.

Here is some green for us all to soak in. The neighbor's dog Penny and her plastic beer bottle is enjoying a romp on green grass.

A splash of magenta will be good for all of us. It has been a long time since my zinnia's were alive, so here is a fix of a great color.

Orange is good for the system also.  I was noticing oranges in the bowl the other day and thought warmth.  Now that they are all getting frozen and dying in the south, we probably won't see oranges for a while.  This orange geranium can fill the bill for now.

Yellow is good for warming the blood.  The green grasshopper will hatch out in the spring but we do need to see yellow now to keep us going.

More color to let you know that white is not the only color out there.  I know snow has shades of blue and can be beautiful but it really isn't as exciting as a garden full of blooms of many colors.

Lastly a warm blue sky.  The clouds are floating by with a gentle breeze to help one to relax and appreciate the air and the green grass.

We have one day of melting coming on Thursday but things don't melt much at 37 degrees.  Sorry to jerk you around so much,  I hope a little of the  color above will help you through until I don't know when.  Thanks........


  1. Larry.... that grasshopper shot is wonderful! I sure am missing that little fellow in the garden. It is a blessing that we can look back and share the images from the summer just to keep the winter warmer isn't it?! Thanks for being a part of my online garden!

  2. A nice jolt of colour for the eyes. I've decided on doing a few colour-themed posts myself for a while. That Penny made me do a double-take for a moment. She looks quite a bit like Frank's JRT, Benny - right down to the obsession with plastic bottles. :) Thanks for a lovely colour break!

  3. That grasshopper shot is AWESOME!!!
    I loved it!

  4. Thank you so much for the splash of color! That was a welcome sight. Your cold has blown down southeast Texas. We had four days of too cold temperatures, way too far below freezing and too dry for comfort. Now we have a few days of reprieve until the cold arrives again at the end of this week. Color is missing from our landscape. All is gray.

  5. The photos of colorful flowers and a dog in action looks nice! They make us cheerful. Here the temperature is more than 30 degree Celsius.

  6. Love your colors Larry..and it did brighten my day.. I get so hungry to see green :)
