Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Twirl design mystery....

I like how one can find information on the net about something and when you return you can't pull it up again.  I have a sugar and creamer, small size, that has a pattern on it that I can't find anywhere in antique books, or glass company sites.   Two days ago, I found one visual of this on the internet and they described that the glass companies had become inspired to design glass in memory of the Comet.  I thought it was Hiailey's comet, but I can't find the site again, and I know I should have bookmarked it.

They said it was a twirling comet around a star. It was a confusing description when they also showed bowls with spiral decorations that looked more like tornadoes.

The set was given to me by an older woman and man, long gone now, who my mom and dad were friends.  We visited them often on their farm and she was an avid old time gardener. I found out at a reunion the other day, that their son use to be my mom's boyfriend.  I really don't know if dad knew that but my middle name came from that boyfriend's name.  No, he was long gone before I was born, I can hear your thinking out there. I guess after having three boys, it seemed easy to tack an old boyfriend's middle name on your fourth son.

Here is the bottom view.  I have yet to find a glass book that will give one a simple vocabulary on the glass designs.  I found that they use to sell sets of  glass pieces in one box and one design is called a wheat pattern, but the star and the rosette are names that come to my mind when I look at them.  Berry sets came in a set in a box and they also had dessert sets.  I have one pitcher from that set.

I am not too concerned by all of this, I will get off the glass theme for awhile.  When I can actually find truth in books about it I might revisit the whole thing. I really am more fascinated by the history of the what's and the when's.  Oh yes, what few things that I did find, just like on the Antique's Road Show, I am not going to be rich.   Thanks for reading.......


  1. Not rich, but who cares. As long as you're happy. Being fascinated by nature, and all these wonderful things that you post about is priceless! :)
    Now you've got me looking at the designs on the few pieces of crystal that I do have... lol.
    The only one I'm familiar with is the Pinwheel pattern.


    Not sure what that pattern is Larry, try these sites they may help. I'll check back later ;)

  3. I don't know much about old glass objects, I have a couple of things I have been trying to research.
    Do you know if it's cut glass or pressed glass?
    I usually search Google, sometimes I get lucky, sometimes not!
    Sunny :)

  4. The designs and the background story are interesting. Try to know about the background of different things and sharing them is an interesting activity.

  5. We have a set with a similar pattern, I have seen it on many pressed glass pieces too. I like it!

  6. It is a beautiful piece! I do not know much about these..other than they are fairly expensive when I see glass of this type in the Antique Shops. I am sure you will find the design someplace..I do have one reference that I will check..don't hold your breath.
    Interesting that you MIGHT have been named after a former Beau..:)

  7. Sounds like a case for the "History Detectives"!
