Monday, January 4, 2010

Everyone is cold.....

I am not a person who has consistently fed the birds, but what times that I have, the are the most hungry when it is very cold.  I have tried to get out there and keep the three different feeders up to snuff but it is a miserable time to get out there. Our temperatures have risen to -6 degrees.  The sun is shinning and that is good, but it is too cold to stay out there for very long.
There is one set of cardinals in this neighborhood and I am honored to have them stop by once in a while.

Today the cardinal is waiting patiently for the squirrel to get his fill.  I have a goal to create a squirrel feeder so they will leave my bird feeders alone.

I wanted to share this photo even though it is off theme.  It still isn't a perfect focus, but I am working on it.
I am hoping all of my friends out there are keeping yourselves safe and warm.  I see people everywhere having trouble with getting their cars started and I feel fortunate my car is doing a good job of starting.
Everyone be careful out there and stay warm.  Thanks for spending time with me.......


  1. I have been cold for months! Love the warm house picture, and feel like the bird :).

  2. Larry, if you find out what will deter the squirrel please let me know. It's an ongoing battle here too.

  3. I am so jealous..a lucky you are!! :)

  4. Oooo, a Cardinal! I love those birds. We have ONE elusive male that comes quick to our apple tree and leaves right away, only about once a week or less...he never comes to our feeder, so I haven't been able to capture him with my camera.
    They are so beautiful!
