Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rock Painting......

 For variety in my life I started painting lighthouse scenes on rocks that came from the Minnesota North Shore.  I would paint on ones that were part iorn ore as they had flat bottoms to allow them to sit up.
One of our friends and customers has bought them from me, but then she decided to bring me rocks from where she had visited.  I then was supplied with a photo of the area and asked to paint it. She has a little shrine of my rocks on a wood shelving unit that holds different scenes from where she had been.

This is a beach in the San Diego and one cannot expect an artist to create a very detail painting on a five inch rock.  I have to become an impressionist and put blobs of paint on to remind you of people and try to match the color of the area as close as possible.  The rock was smooth so I had fun with this one.

This rock was a difficult son of a gun.  It was very textured and the scene supplied was a long beautiful horizontal one in which I had to crop and condense to get it to happen.  I actually think I went back and reworked the sky on this after I took shots of this.

Here is a macro of this one, and the sensor really reacted funny to the rock texture.

These rocks are the best I will do.  I like doing this and plan to get out a couple more rocks of my own and create some new lighthouse paintings.  I had a couple rocks out on the railing outside and brought them in to dry out and warm up.

Thawing out my rocks on the kitchen counter.  I wasn't in a hurry so I just let them dry out and put some moisture into the air.   I will paint again today.   Thanks for reading......


  1. Wow Larry, you never cease to amaze me with your talent!
    These little rock paintings are really sweet. Have you ever done a country scene?
    Stay warm.
    Sunny :)

  2. Nice work and I know your friend loves her collection.


  3. That's very cool. You're a multi-talented guy!

  4. Wow..these are awesome!! Far Guy likes them too! You are so talented!! Next time I am over at the North Shore I am going to look for some..I could never paint them as good as you..but I could have fun trying! :)

  5. Larry! Congrats on POTW at Hilary's! Love thr rocks!

  6. very nice. love rocks...the feel, the texture...and then you add so much with the paint. congrats on the POTW mentioN!

  7. Congrats on POTW mention from Hilary

  8. Those are very well done, and look warm and sunny, too. My husband used to love to paint little lead figures, and found it very relaxing, the intricacy of the work was just soothing to him.

    I love that you create something so pleasing to the eye. It's got to be fun to see possibilities in things like rocks. I see a rock, you see a potential canvas. Thank you for sharing the results.

    Congratulations on the post of the week!

  9. Beautiful little rock paintings, Larry!

  10. how corny would I be if I said....you rock! ? Enjoyed your post..seriously.

  11. A very neat idea! She is lucky to have a collection all of her own of your art and her memories!

  12. Your rocks are beautiful! I love them : )! Creative people are my favorite kind! Your impressionistic people are perfect! : )
