Friday, January 22, 2010

Found some cool stuff.......

As the weather continues, I am going to ignore it in my writing.  I cleaned out a desk of mine and found some really good things that I needed to have for blogging.  I also found an updated family tree on the Burgus side, and a note about my great grandmother that had been written by some long lost relative. I had brought the note home and I found out things about my Grandfather Brown's parents, which up to now was unknown to me.

I was actually looking for something, I won't tell you what, but  I ended upstairs in the  memorial room with all the stuff from my brother and my parents.  I guess there is stuff up there from my wife's father too.  While digging there also, looking for something, I found in my mom's hand writing dates of birth and death of a lot of old people that I had never met. A new family tree name for me now is Maxson.

Some of you already know that the Native America Indian could look at a tree to know what direction North is because the moss grows on the shaded side of the tree.  I know that your corn cob can tell you, by it's ice coating, that it did blow in from the east.

I also found a CD that has all of my Dad's war photos copied on it. To  make a long story short, I scanned them, gave a copy to my son.  He  gladly  burned me a copy as I lost them all when my computer was repaired four years ago.  I actually found more war pictures while I was upstairs today digging through piles of things. I will have to do so more scanning.

We had a larger hawk out on our birdfeeder today. I think it was bigger than an American Kestral, but it seemed to be one that was looking for birds to eat and not seed.  It could have been a Red Tail Hawk as we have a lot of them around here, but I thought it unusual for it to be landing on my tray birdfeeder.  We see the along the roads picking up animals that had been hit by cars.

My tray birdfeeder is a hit to the entire animal world.  The woodpeckers are clinging to it's side before they venture up to the tray to get suet, the cardinals and blue jays are becoming more peaceful and will sit on it together while eating, and the squirrels look so good sitting in pairs or threes on the tray filling their stomachs.  It is quite a sight when all the grackles in the area all land on it at the very same time. Do squirrels have pouches, like the chipmonk, and are they filling pouches to carry food back to their lair?

My wife and I am going to venture out to the local cafe for a meal.  It will be good to get out if we just don't fall down.  We actually have a choice of two different kinds of cafes. One is called Cayannes (he misspells it on purpose) and the other is called Lou's Diner.  More things are deep fat fried at Lou's so we hit Cayannes more often.  We would like to keep them open as a town our size needs places to eat.

I hope everyone out there is doing fine and that your Friday is a good day for you.  Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Our tray birdfeeder is a hit too...we started one last year and made another 3 tiered one this year because it brought us so many different kinds of birds. Today we had Bluejays, mourning doves, chickadees, grosbeaks, chipping sparrows, and a woodpecker...all at the same time. It was so fun!

  2. A three tiered feeder, that sounds great. I will have to go look for more wood. Mine is pretty wimpy compared to yours.

  3. Its cool to find old family pics. My dad dragged me over to sort through all the pics after my mom died. He didn't know half the people in them and I knew even feweer! But we did find some great pics of great great grandfathers and pics of my grandparents when they were young. Lots of fun!@

  4. Old photos make great painting references. You had a great trip down memory lane. I can't believe you still have ice and cold up there. This past week in southeast Texas has been warmer and up to the 60's for the last couple of days. Today is a little bit cooler.

  5. Hi Larry, You certainly look icy there..I thought about you slip sliding around! More old photos..wonderful!! My Dad spent some time here yesterday with an old box from his family..with good results..but we still have many to identify. Do me a favor and head here
    Say Hi to Rae..and give her some heck..she has never met an Iowa Blogger:)

  6. I just can't get over those icicles, Larry. When it's 65F here we say it's freezing!

  7. Your blog is fabulous. Absolutely beautiful photography. Connie at Far Side of Fifty sent me here. I am very glad she did.
