Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ice and glass.......

The weather is always going to  change. We went from snow to very cold, to hoar frost.  Then a few days back it was freezing rain. It continued freezing rain for a few days, I have lost track, but that creates a big buildup on the trees. 

While it is still cold the large amount of ice will fall because the branches can't hold them.  Then when it warms a little like yesterday, it falls because it is just above freezing.  Any ice that falls on a house or tree makes a large sound.  If you would like to try this at home, take a large ice cube and throw it at your wall and listen to the sound.
Ice avalanche is a new term I made up but as ice at the top of the trees falls it hits the branches below it, knocking the next branches and soon you have this raining ice coming down.  It is at that time you stay away from them as it does hurt when it lands on your.  I had one single piece hit me and it does hurt a lot.  If you would like to  try this at home...... no  never mind. 

In the afternoon I was out maintaining the bird feeders and I heard horrible sounds from my car. The villain tree was dropping it's load onto the car.  I immediately moved it into the street as I could see it  denting things easily, with the large chunks that come from the crook of the tree. If I had dents, I won't see it until I am standing filling the car with gas and gazing over the surface of the roof.

Yep the old man is talking glass again.  Get him a life will ya.  This is something I found while I was shooting macros yesterday and I had to take a few shots.  This pitcher is small, I am talking, a child's play thing or a small creamer. It really would give not me enough cream so it probably was a child's toy.  I really like the decoration on the pressed glass piece. Can you see the bubbles in it. It is a sign of probably poor craftmanship but that is also a sign that it is old.

Another shot for the on bubble in the glass. I am thinking I pulled this out of my mom's china closet. She use to clean and care for people in their homes and they would give her things, old things.

I took this the other day when I was on my glass binge in blogging.  It is round on one end and comes to a point on the  other. I assume it is a relish dish, but I like the oak or maple leaves on the bottom of it.  And I just now noticed that the decoration on the side of it, the open horseshoe or heart shape, is the exact same as on the pitcher above.  I guess they were made by the same company.

I am blogging late for me but things do happen.  I expect we will stay home again today, as it is a rainy day and water is everywhere. As at this point the snow is so cold that the rain is not affecting it.  I have some ice jams on one roof of one room in the house and that requires buckets.  It has stopped dripping for now. Don't worry that is the next room to get remodeled.  I just tolerate the leaks for now.  If we get up to 41 today, it might actually melt a little of the ice and snow, but I doubt it. That air stays cold from the micro climate that all the snow creates.  Sunday is coming and I hope everyone is having a restful weekend.  Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. I got hit on the head this morning by a large icicle, wow...did that hurt! I went down the mountain to grocery shop yesterday and a lot of their snow has melted, we still have quite a bit in the higher elevations.
    That is a dear little pitcher, I really enjoy old glass.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Sunny :)

  2. Thank goodness the weight of the ice on your trees isn't bringing down the big limbs too. The recent ice storm here resulted in broken branches all over the place. At least no power lines snapped.
    Your photo of the little glass pitcher is lovely. It reminds me of some old glass wear I have from my grandmother.
    Hope your weekend is a nice one too.

  3. Wow, the ice. It really can do a lot of damage.
    We have had frost here again, but no ice thus far...they are talking about freezing rain here and snow, but we are in the highlands, so ours will probably be snow.

  4. We drove home Thursday afternoon and found sooo much ice! It was beautiful, for sure. But it was wrecking havoc with a few power lines and trees. The warmer temps and rain has melted it (yes, falling chunks all over the place), which is good. Supposed to be colder again... an interesting Iowa Winter!
