Sunday, January 31, 2010

Glass designs.........

Buzz Saw, Comet with Stars,  or Swirling Star
bottom of one of the pieces

Three different companies made the pressed glass pieces with this similar design. At any rate they were making them from 1909 through 1914. It is interesting that Haley's comet probably inspired the design.

I am going with Swirling Star as the antique book said the kinds of things that the design was place included a toy set of sugar and creamer, no lid. That is a sugar spoon and it would not fit into that as an adult sized piece.


  1. Whichever pattern, they are beautiful regardless. I recently sold all my grandmother's pressed glass that I inherited. I hated to do it and it was sad selling it to strangers, but I had no one to pass those lovely pieces on to. I am the only one in my family that appreciates and loves antiques. I still can't understand it, but they didn't want any of it.

  2. Very pretty designs. I can't help but remember when I was young, I would press my silly putty into designs such as these!!!!!

  3. I love pressed glass and that design is really pretty; it's in great shape too.
    Sunny :)

  4. Small dainty little things aren't they. I bet they are heavy too..I wonder if it was part of a childs teas set or just a sugar and creamer. Interesting Larry:)

  5. Swirling star sounds just right. I wonder about the comet - when I saw comet Hale Bopp in the 1990's it didn't look much like that!

  6. We hit the Jordan Creek Mall, a newer very large mall. When it is finished it will have more square footage than the Mall of America. We were bad and ate a lot of food at the Cheesecake Factory, and spent a lot of time at a very busy bookstore. All of Iowa was out today because we have all been stuck in. Finished up at Wally Mart and came home to warm up.
    Yes, I think the comet inspired them, but I don't think they knew what a comet looked like. It does look like a buzz saw. Not a lot of value, but it is fun to find out it's history.

  7. It's a very pretty pattern, it does almost look child sized compared to the spoon.

  8. Pressed glass designs are so pretty. Oh and by the way, I love the little glass jug.
