Saturday, January 30, 2010


Saturday is a good time for us to get out of the house and go places. We don't live in New York City or in the mountains. We don't live in the suburbs either, but we can be in a larger city in twenty minutes.  Our small town in the prairie has a four lane highway to get us places.  As for the weather, we have warmed up a little. Twelve above is actually fifteen degrees warmer than what we have been experiencing.  The last storm went south and is affecting peope who usually don't have such weather.

We will hit the mall today and check out a bookstore.  Walk through the mall for exercise and people watch. Just taking time away from the house.  My rooster cup will have to go it alone for awhile as I will have a Starbucks coffee in a cheap styrofoam cup, but it will taste good.

My chief helper while I am at the computer will have to go curl up in his rocking chair to await our return. He likes to sit and/or sleep on the chair next to me while I am at the computer.  He would prefer being on my lap but the chair sitting real close to me will do.
I hope your Saturday will be a good day off for you. We will make the best of it before our next snow comes on Monday. Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Hope you have a great day as you venture away from home. Your chief helper is a cutie.

  2. I have to give you huge credit for living there! It's in the mid 30's and raining here, and I'm whining......enjoy your day!

  3. It's always nice to get out of the house and get in a little exercise while shopping. That is the sweetest picture of your dog - I always miss our pets when we've been away for a few hours! Let us know if you make any purchases at the bookstore.

  4. We have snow and some ice, but would have loved to have rambled a little today, as it's the first Saturday I have not worked other than Christmas.
    Oh, well.
    Your little helper is a cutie, I just bet he keeps you company whilst sitting plonking away on that old keyboard :)
    Stay warm, and give him a little pat on the head for me ..

  5. Me? I braved it outside in our weather for winter shots of Lake Superior (which I will be posting next week). It warmed up here to a heatwave of 21 degrees with sun today. Woot!

  6. Thanks for visiting me. Now, I get to enjoy your beautiful work and exciting blog. Thank you.

  7. It is good to get out and about and look at something besides the same four walls..or the same snowbanks! Hope you had fun..I am sure that Button missed you desperately! :)

  8. I'm visiting through Rae at Weathervane - had to check out your rooster! Hope you had a great weekend -- off to check out the photo of the day!

  9. Hi Larry, I went to Rae's blog and got interested with it, I think it was your idea of showing mine and showing yours? LOL! It's funny. I like it.


  10. I enjoyed yours and Rae's posts on mugs so much that I have posted photos of my fav mug. Hope you get a chance to visit today.
