Monday, January 18, 2010

Minimal Monday for me.........

I needed to move the feeder closer to the dining room window. My goal was to use all used, scrap lumber. I did it.

I wanted a tray feeder so that I could get the cardinals closer or at least closer to the base of the feeder. I put the other feeder on top for a while to get them use to the move.  I will take it off soon.


  1. Isn't it great to find a use for all the scrap wood you "just cant throw away because you may need it for a project someday" Well, there's your answer. Best of all since it is made of scrap, you can alwasy burn it when you get tired of it and build another one with better wood.

  2. Looks great. No doubt they'll be feasting away in no time.

  3. Nice job! I love to recycle scrap materials! And I love to save $$$!

  4. You did a lovely job on the feeder !
    Now you'll have some perfect shots of those cardinals, and share them with us ;)
    Perfect !

  5. Erm... if you're taking orders.......
    Your birds are well looked after, having their own carpenter can't be bad. I'm waiting to see the cardinals feeding.

  6. Way to go all recycled too! Great design Larry!! :)
