Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Then and now......just like Narnia

In Narnia, the evil Ice Queen was casting coldness all over the land. When you could see it from the aerial view you could see the land that still had spring and the line where winter prevailed. As the children walked into the warm part of the country the trees were sprouting blooms and the butterflies were dancing around in the warm air.  Fortunately the evil Ice Queen was defeated and the whole land started having seasons again.

It must be the Ice Queen causing our part of the world to stay cold and white for months.

I had some birds at my new tray bird feeder today.  They were finches who wanted the loose thistle seed that I had tossed in there from a broken finch feeder.  Tomorrow I will add more variety of seed.
We are having leftovers from Christmas dinner tonight.  Turkey dinner with new stuffing, mash potatoes and gravy.  Life is good.

I have found out that an external drive will not ever work on my old school laptop computer, as it has a school password on it to administer over it to prevent outsiders from installing things on it.  The password is not known by the person who put it on there.  I think he probably misspelled it when he put it on there and it will not be discovered.  I can eventually just take everything off of computer, wipe it clean and then reinstall the entire system, but I just don't want to mess with it right now.

My brain finally kicked in and I will now save all my photos on rewrite cd's. This laptop has a burner on it and I should of thought of it a long time ago.  I was able to move a thousand photos into identified folders. Only a few thousand to go.  It will  work until I get a new laptop, someday.


  1. Covered in snow, the seasons rotate....
    I love your garden bench, it has lots of character, and screams "sit here".
    You must be a smart man, I couldn't transfer all of my "stuff", good luck !

  2. I love the bench with or without that cold white stuff on it!
    I save all my pictures to CD's, it doesn't take too long to transfer them.
    Sunny :)

  3. Too bad about the password..but you have a work around with the Cd's..it works for me..I do have to research storage ideas for CD's ..I have lots of them to store:)

  4. we are in the midst of a thaw around here. I would be quite happy if the rest of winter decided to call it quits early. Even if it doesn't get any warmer, just no more snow....

  5. Sounds like a good back-up plan. A new laptop would probably pose the same password problem when you want to transfer things over from your current computer, so right now discs are your best bet.

    Enjoy that turkey dinner.

  6. Be careful with the CD's idea....the guru that fixed my computers said for photos, the quality decreases on a CD that is kept over 5 years...that is why I went with the external hard drive.
