Friday, January 15, 2010

Reading and eating are good things.....Cobbler

When it is winter, one needs new reading material.  I received Garden Design magazine and This Old House magazine today in the mail.  My wife received The Pastel Artist today also.  One other good thing happened today as I was looking through our bookshelves for a resource picture to paint,  I found the Narnia, Prince Caspian book. We bought it a long time ago and if you knew what was going on this past year with our life, you would know that it got shelved and we had never looked at it nor remembered it.

We watched the "Prince Caspian" movie a couple of days ago during a snowstorm, so finding the book was just great timing.  The book is about the how to's of making the movie.  It is a sophisticated book written for adults and not just to sell the movie.  They had interviews of actors and showed how the movie sets were created.  Also all the special effects that they needed to create such a movie were interestingly explained.  The castle for this movie was made in life size, the largest set ever made for a movie ever in the history of film.

Another good thing happened today.  I took out a bag of frozen rhubarb and turned out the filling for a dessert.  My wife made the biscuit topping and we popped it into the oven.

The end result was delicious.  A little cream and sugar makes it a perfect end of the day.   Thanks for stopping by........


  1. You got that right, Larry....reading and eating will surely pass the winter away quicker. Yummy looking rhubarb pie! sweet!
    I love to curl up on the couch with some green chia tea and a few good poetry books and of cos.....a pen and note book!

  2. Drool Drool! It's been so long since I had a rhubarb cobler. My grandmother used to mix it with strawberries! Funny..I don't think I liked it much as a kid.. Only after getting older did I enjoy the sweetness. Go figure.

  3. A good book and good food, life doesn't get any better than that!

    The Rhubarb whatever looks delicious.

  4. Rhubarb..I wish I had frozen looks great!! :)
