Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two jars.....

A few agates that I have collected over the years while hanging around on the beaches of Minnesota lakes and Lake Superior.  The continual action of the waves breaks down the rock and also polishes them.  I will unload the jars another day and share, but for now just click on the photo and you can see some of the contents.  The photo is not in focus as you already know so I will have to  work on that for another time.

There is a park on the far northeast of Duluth, Minnesota that has a great beach of rocks and small stones.  The last time we visited there early this summer, it was cold and rainy.   The place use to be called Brighton Beach, all my English bloggers just perked up there ears, but they have changed it to be named after an Indian maiden.  I don't remember it and my wife and I still call it Brighton Beach as that was what it was called back in 1989 when we first started to visit the north shore.

I have found a lot of the small  little red agate pieces along here as well as far north as Grand Marais.  We use to  stay on Lake Pokegama, near Grand Rapids, and in the jar are pieces of Indian pottery.  I will blog about that later also as I need to get some good shots of that.  It is believed that Indian tribes lived on the beach where the resort is now.

Even on a gray day, the place is beautiful.  It is a nice place for the city folk to come out and  visit the lake shore.  It can be crowded when there is very hot weather, but otherwise, rarely do you see anyone swimming in the lake.  It is the deepest of all the great lakes and it doesn't get warm.

The jar contents are valuables to me and I want to revisit it some of these days.  My dad was a rock hound and he cut and polished rocks.  My youngest son is to inherit all of my dad's polished rocks but for  now they are in my house.  Another blog subject to share with you too.  Have a great Saturday and may the rest of the United States and England and France too, all warm up.  Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Whitefish point in Mi is another great place to find agates ( all along the superior coast really!) My wife and I still have the ones we collected on our honeymoon from there! Very pretty if you polish them up.

  2. Those jars are pretty interesting... fun collection. I bet it makes you think of the beach every time you look at it!

    Happy Bloom Day!

  3. I am anxious to see them..especially all polished up. I love rocks! :)

  4. I love to collect rocks, beach glass, etc. Your agates are really pretty.
    I think Brighton Beach was changed to Kitchi Gammi Park. Not 100% sure though.
    Sunny :)

  5. Hello Larry, I've missed visiting lately. Thanks so much for your kind wishes. My Dad is improving after a fall, but it's a slow process.

    I enjoyed following your trail from the jars of rocks to the beaches, to the rocks being passed on to your son.
